Title |
Associate Professor |
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NORIKOSHI Ryo Associate Professor |
From Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Doctor Course Completed
2003.04 - 2006.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Master Course Completed
2000.04 - 2002.03
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
博士(農学) ( 2006.03 東京農業大学 )
修士(農学) ( 2002.03 東京農業大学 )
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture
1999.04 - 2000.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School of Agriculture
2002.04 - 2003.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture
2006.04 - 2010.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Assistant Professor
2010.04 - 2015.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Associate Professor
2015.04 - 2019.03
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Accumulation of 2-<i>C</i>-Methyl-d-erythritol as a Major Osmoticum in Petals During Flower Opening in <i>Phlox drummondii</i> Reviewed International journal
Norikoshi Ryo, Kohata Katsunori, Niki Tomoko, Ichimura Kazuo
The Horticulture Journal 91 ( 3 ) 388 - 398 2022
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
<p>Flower opening is associated with the expansion of petal cells. To understand the role played by soluble carbohydrates during cell expansion associated with petal growth, changes in soluble carbohydrate concentrations in petal limbs during flower opening in <i>Phlox drummondii</i> were investigated. The size of adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells in the petal limbs gradually increased during flower opening. 2-<i>C</i>-Methyl-<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">d</span>-erythritol (2-<i>C</i>-ME) was identified using <sup>1</sup>H-NMR in <i>P. drummondii</i> petals. 2-<i>C</i>-ME was the most abundant carbohydrate in the petal limbs at five developmental stages, with the concentration of glucose the second highest, although the concentration of the latter was half of that of the 2-<i>C</i>-ME concentration in all five stages. The concentrations of 2-<i>C</i>-ME and glucose increased during flower opening. In contrast, inorganic ion concentrations did not increase during flower opening. The osmotic potential of petal limbs decreased considerably during the final stage of flower opening; this decrease could in part be attributed to the increasing 2-<i>C</i>-ME concentration. Transmission electron microscopic observations showed that the petal limb cells in open flowers were occupied primarily by the vacuole. The concentration of 2-<i>C</i>-ME in the vacuole was estimated to be 131 mM, which was much higher than the concentrations of the other carbohydrates. We conclude that the accumulation of 2-<i>C</i>-ME in the vacuole at a high concentration acts as an osmoticum, decreasing the osmotic potential of petal limbs and thereby increasing turgor pressure, which is thought to be involved in cell expansion of petal limbs during flower opening.</p>
Association of Injuries after Long-term Storage of Bulbs at –2°C with Pre-Chilling Temperatures and Duration in Oriental Hybrid Lily ‘Casa Blanca’ Reviewed
Sakai Yuta, Saito Yurie, Norikoshi Ryo, Imanishi Hideo
Horticultural Research (Japan) 21 ( 1 ) 57 - 63 2022
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE
<p>Lily bulbs of Oriental hybrid ‘Casa Blanca’ produced in Hokkaido or Niigata were packed in polyethylene bags with wet peat moss and subjected to pre-chilling at various temperatures for various durations from 0 to 20 weeks before storing at –2.0°C. On moving to –2.0°C, bulbs were dissected and the shoot length and Brix of shoot tip juice were measured. Soluble carbohydrate concentrations of the shoot tip were analyzed by a conventional extraction method using hot ethanol with HPLC. After storage at –2.0°C for more than 7 months, they were grown in a glass house kept at a minimum temperature of 15°C to check for the occurrence of black shoots, non-flowering plants, and damaged leaves, which might be caused by long-term storage at –2.0°C.</p><p>Rates of black shoots, non-flowered plants, and damaged leaves became high when bulbs were subjected to pre-chilling at 1°C for more than 12 weeks. The rise in rates and decrease of the sucrose content occurred simultaneously. Furthermore, changes in the sucrose content were closely related to changes of Brix.</p><p>When bulbs were pre-chilled at 1, 6, 8, or 12°C for 8 weeks followed by 1°C for 10 weeks, those pre-chilled at 1 or 6°C showed a decreased sucrose content or Brix at the end of pre-chilling and higher rates of non-flowering plants and damaged leaves after storage at –2.0°C for 24 weeks. An extended duration of storage at –2.0°C for 8 weeks induced black shoots and non-flowering plants when bulbs were pre-chilled at 1°C for 18 weeks before moving to –2.0°C.</p><p>From these results, it was concluded that excessively long pre-chilling of bulbs at low temperatures below 6°C induces black shoots and leaf damage after long-term storage at a subzero temperature.</p>
DOI: 10.2503/hrj.21.57
A simple and rapid extraction method to determine osmolar concentration of soluble carbohydrates from rose petals
Hideo Imanishi and Kazuo Ichimura
Journal of Applied Horticulture10(2) 2008.07
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
A simple and rapid extraction method of carbohydrates from petals or sepals of four floricultural plants for determination of their content
Hideo Imanishi and
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 77(3) 2008.07
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
共同研究部分はpp.289-295 -
A simple extraction method of soluble carbohydrates from various organs of several ornamental plants using a vacuum manifold
Miki Kato and Kazuo
Environment Control in Biology 46(1) 2008.03
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Misc 【 display / non-display 】
平成16年度 花き研究成果情報 2005.06
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
共同研究分はpp.15-16 -
平成16年度 花き研究成果情報 2005.06
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
キンギョソウの花冠展開にともなう浸透圧および糖質濃度の変動 International conference
園芸学会平成19年度秋季大会(於香川大学)園芸学研究 6(別2) 2007.09
Event date: 2007.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
異なる濃度のゲランガムとMS無機塩で調整したゲルがバラ切り花の花持ちに及ぼす影響およびその特性 International conference
園芸学会平成19年度春季大会(於京都テルサ)園芸学研究 6(別1) 2007.03
Event date: 2007.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
航空機輸送時のバラ切り花用のゲランガム製給水資材を開発するため、異なる濃度のゲランガムとMurashige and Skoog無機塩で調整したゲルがバラ切り花の花持ちに及ぼす影響とその性質を調査した。
デルフィニウムのがく片展開にともなう表皮細胞数,浸透圧および糖質分布の変動 International conference
園芸学会平成19年度春季大会(於京都テルサ)園芸学研究 6(別1) 2007.03
Event date: 2007.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
高温条件化でバラ切り花の花持ちが短縮する要因の解析 International conference
園芸学会平成18年度秋季大会(於長崎大学)園芸学会雑誌 75(別2) 2006.09
Event date: 2006.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
花弁の糖質含量を測定するための試料を簡易迅速に抽出する方法の確立 International conference
園芸学会平成18年度秋季大会(於長崎大学)園芸学会雑誌 75(別2) 2006.09
Event date: 2006.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)