Title |
Professor |
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TAKEUCHI Masatoshi Professor |
From Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Chiba University Master Course Completed
1989.04 - 1991.03
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
東京農業大学 短期大学部農業科 研究生
1991.04 - 1991.09
東京農業大学 短期大学部農業科 副手(有給)
1991.10 - 1992.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Junior College Department of Environment and Landscape Research Assistant
1992.04 - 1996.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Junior College Department of Environment and Landscape Lecturer
1996.04 - 2004.09
Tokyo University of Agriculture Junior College Department of Environment and Landscape Associate Professor
2004.10 - 2012.09
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Feeding behaviour in Australian gregarious Lophyrotoma sawflies (Hymenoptera: Pergidae) Reviewed
Masatoshi Takeuchi and Myron P. Zalucki
Austral Entomology 1 - 11 2022.09
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
DOI: 10.1111/aen.12618
Effect of pruning time on damage to the leaves of Fortune’s osmanthus (<i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>fortunei</i> ) by a flea beetle <i>Argopistes coccinelliformis</i> (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
UCHIDA Hitoshi, TAKEUCHI Masatoshi
Urban Pest Management 11 ( 2 ) 59 - 68 2021.12
Language:Japanese Publisher:The Society of Urban Pest Management, Japan
The flea beetle <i>Argopistes coccinelliformis</i> causes severe damage to Oleaceae trees, with a preference for new leaves. In this study, we evaluated the effects of pruning time of <i>Osmanthus</i> × <i>fortunei</i> (March, April, and May, and a no-treatment control) on leaf damage by the beetles by surveying the occurrence of new leaves and percentage of damaged leaves from early April to early July. The number of new leaves and branches during the observation period was the lowest in the May-pruned plots, followed by the April- and March-pruned plots, and no-treatment plot. The percentage of adult beetle-damaged leaves and of leaves with beetle eggs on May 3 tended to be higher in the March-pruned plots; the percentage of damage was the highest in the April-pruned plots, particularly from June, when new adult beetles emerged. Furthermore, higher and lower damages by larvae occurred in the March- and May-pruned plots, respectively. Pruning in March and April is not recommended as it promotes new leaf production resulting in increased damage.
Dependence of the endangered arboreal snail Satsuma (Luchuhadra) eucosmia eucosmia (Camaenidae) on Ficus (Moraceae) trees as its main habitat Reviewed
Masatoshi Takeuchia and Yuma Takedaa
Molluscan Research 36 ( 4 ) 231 - 238 2016.06
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
双眼鏡の保持が鳥類の逃避距離に与える影響 Reviewed
都市有害生物管理 5 2015.06
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
谷津田に造成された人工の水溜りにおけるトウキョウサンショウウオの産卵場所利用と幼生の体サイズ、及び捕食性のザリガニの個体数 Reviewed
野生生物保護 14 ( 1/2 ) 43 - 51 2013.07
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
探検!発見!わたしたちの地域デザイン : 探し出して発表するまで
町田 怜子, 地主 恵亮, 矢野 加奈子, 竹内 将俊, 茂木 もも子, 鈴木 康平
東京農業大学出版会 2023.07 ( ISBN:9784886945334 )
Total pages:93 Responsible for pages:21-36, Language:Japanese
小林章(監)・鈴木伸一・宮崎忠國(編)・内田均・竹内将俊・入江彰昭・神藤正人( Role: Joint author , 54-90,91-105)
コロナ社 2010.04
田村正人、飯嶋一浩、竹内 将俊( Role: Joint author , 16-31、 61-66、 71-73、 79-89、112-117)
東京農大出版会 2005.02
Misc 【 display / non-display 】
しぜん④「てんとうむし」 29 2019.04
秦野市名古木里地里山における動物相調査の中間集計結果と今後に向けた取り組み Invited
里地里山の保全効果に関する学際的研究― 中間報告 ― 00 2016.03
昆虫と自然 1 ( 1月 ) 12 - 15 2014.01
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:ニューサイエンス社
藤田 裕・竹内将俊
神奈川虫報 ( 179 ) 56 - 56 2013.03
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other) Publisher:神奈川昆虫談話会
グリーン・エージ 2012.04
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:日本緑化センター
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
コウガイビル属 Bipalium の採餌生態
都市有害生物管理学会大会 2024.03 都市有害生物管理学会45回大会
Event date: 2024.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
日本家屋害虫学会第33回年次大会 2012.06 日本家屋害虫学会
Event date: 2012.06
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
竹内 将俊
日本家屋害虫学会30周年記念大会 2009.02
Event date: 2009.02
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
不快害鳥であるオーストラリアクロトキの公園緑地での生息環境と行動 International conference
竹内 将俊
日本家屋害虫学会30周年記念大会 2009.02
Event date: 2009.02
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
オキナワヤマタカマイママイの生息環境と生活史 International conference
小峰幸夫・竹内将俊・界 知江・田村正人
日本家屋害虫学学会26回年次大会講演要旨 2005.01
Event date: 2005.01
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Basic stance of industry-university cooperation 【 display / non-display 】