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岡田 慶一 (オカダ ケイイチ) OKADA Keiichi 助教 |
論文 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Exploration capacity versus specific enzymatic activity of ectomycorrhizas in response to primary productivity and soil phosphorus availability in Bornean tropical rainforests
Kei-ichi Okada, Daiki Yokoyama, Shin-ichiro Aiba, Kanehiro Kitayama
Scientific Reports 2024年02月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are functionally important in biogeochemical cycles in tropical ecosystems. Extracellular enzymatic activity of ECM on a ground-area basis is the product of two attributes; exploration capacity (ECM surface-area) and specific enzymatic activity. Here, we elucidated which attribute better explained the ECM enzymatic activity in response to different levels of soil phosphorus (P) and Nitrogen (N) availability in five Bornean tropical rainforests. We determined the surface area of ECM root tips as well as the enzymatic activities per ECM surface area for carbon (C), N and P degrading enzymes in each site. We evaluated the relationship of ECM enzyme activities with the resource availabilities of C (Above-ground net primary production; ANPP), N, and P of ECM by a generalized linear mixed model. The ECM enzymatic activities on a ground-area basis were more significantly determined by specific enzymatic activity than by the exploration capacity. Specific enzymatic activities were generally negatively affected by C (ANPP) and soil P availability. ECM fungi enhance the specific enzyme activity rather than the exploration capacity to maintain the capacity of nutrient acquisition. The less dependence of ECM fungi on the exploration capacity in these forests may be related to the limitation of C supply from host trees. We highlighted the adaptive mechanisms of ECM fungi on nutrient acquisition in tropical ecosystems through the response of enzymatic activity to nutrient availability across the elements.</jats:p>
Long-term Consequences on Soil Fungal Community Structure: Monoculture Planting and Natural Regeneration. 国際誌
Minagi Naka, Shota Masumoto, Keita Nishizawa, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Shinichi Tatsumi, Yuta Kobayashi, Kureha F Suzuki, Xinyu Xu, Tomoya Kawakami, Noboru Katayama, Kobayashi Makoto, Kei-Ichi Okada, Masaki Uchida, Kentaro Takagi, Akira S Mori
Environmental management 2023年12月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Understanding the regeneration and succession of belowground communities, particularly in forests, is vital for maintaining ecosystem health. Despite its importance, there is limited knowledge regarding how fungal communities change over time during ecosystem development, especially under different forest restoration strategies. In this study, we focused on two restoration methods used in northern Japan: monoculture planting and natural regeneration. We examined the responses of the fungal community to monoculture plantations (active tree planting) and naturally regenerated (passive regeneration) forests over a 50-year chronosequence, using natural forests as a reference. Based on DNA metabarcoding, we assessed the richness of fungal Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) and their dissimilarity. Our findings revealed that soil fungal richness remained stable after natural regeneration but declined in monoculture plantations, from 354 to 247 OTUs. While the compositional dissimilarity of fungal assemblages between monoculture plantations and natural forests remained consistent regardless of the time since tree planting, it significantly decreased after natural regeneration, suggesting recovery to a state close to the reference level. Notably, the composition of key functional fungal groups-saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal- has increasingly mirrored that of natural forests over time following passive natural regeneration. In summary, our study suggests that monoculture plantations may not be effective for long-term ecosystem function and service recovery because of their limited support for soil fungal diversity. These results underscore the importance of natural regeneration in forest restoration and management strategies.
竹内 理絵, 西澤 啓太, 小林 勇太, 増本 翔太, 鈴木 紅葉, 河上 智也, 小林 真, 片山 昇, 岡田 慶一, 辰巳 晋一, 松岡 俊将, 内田 雅己, 高木 健太郎, 森 章
日本森林学会大会発表データベース 134 ( 0 ) 647 2023年05月
記述言語:英語 出版者・発行元:日本森林学会
岡田 慶一, 中濱 和紀, 西村 祥紀, 時田 勝広
日本森林学会大会発表データベース 134 ( 0 ) 337 2023年05月
記述言語:英語 出版者・発行元:日本森林学会
<p> 生物学的遺産を象徴する倒木更新は,特に針葉樹更新において重要な役割を果たしている。この更新ニッチとしてのポテンシャルは自然発生する倒木に限らず、択伐に由来する伐根も同様に有していると考えられるが、副次的に発生する林地残材が更新に果たす役割に関して、定量的に評価した知見は限られている。本研究では,阿寒湖周辺の択伐履歴のある針広混交林を対象として,更新場所となる切り株と倒木のサイズ,およびそこに更新する針葉樹実生のサイズと分布密度を調査した.約3ha を踏査した結果,観察された更新実生 209 本のうち 55.5%は切株上で観察され,更新ニッチとしての林地残材の役割が大きいことが示唆された.直径階ごとの切り株上の実生密度は,直径階が小さくなるほど実生密度が指数関数的に増加する傾向が見られた.大径株に比して小径株は表面積割合が高いため,腐朽が早く実生密度が高くなったことが示唆された.</p>
Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates 査読あり
Amy E. Zanne, Habacuc Flores-Moreno, Jeff R. Powell, William K. Cornwell, James W. Dalling, Amy T. Austin, Aimée T. Classen, Paul Eggleton, Kei-ichi Okada, Catherine L. Parr, E. Carol Adair, Stephen Adu-Bredu, Md Azharul Alam, Carolina Alvarez-Garzón, Deborah Apgaua, Roxana Aragón, Marcelo Ardon, Stefan K. Arndt, Louise A. Ashton, Nicholas A. Barber, Jacques Beauchêne, Matty P. Berg, Jason Beringer, Matthias M. Boer, José Antonio Bonet, Katherine Bunney, Tynan J. Burkhardt, Dulcinéia Carvalho, Dennis Castillo-Figueroa, Lucas A. Cernusak, Alexander W. Cheesman, Tainá M. Cirne-Silva, Jamie R. Cleverly, Johannes H. C. Cornelissen, Timothy J. Curran, André M. D’Angioli, Caroline Dallstream, Nico Eisenhauer, Fidele Evouna Ondo, Alex Fajardo, Romina D. Fernandez, Astrid Ferrer, Marco A. L. Fontes, Mark L. Galatowitsch, Grizelle González, Felix Gottschall, Peter R. Grace, Elena Granda, Hannah M. Griffiths, Mariana Guerra Lara, Motohiro Hasegawa, Mariet M. Hefting, Nina Hinko-Najera, Lindsay B. Hutley, Jennifer Jones, Anja Kahl, Mirko Karan, Joost A. Keuskamp, Tim Lardner, Michael Liddell, Craig Macfarlane, Cate Macinnis-Ng, Ravi F. Mariano, M. Soledad Méndez, Wayne S. Meyer, Akira S. Mori, Aloysio S. Moura, Matthew Northwood, Romà Ogaya, Rafael S. Oliveira, Alberto Orgiazzi, Juliana Pardo, Guille Peguero, Josep Penuelas, Luis I. Perez, Juan M. Posada, Cecilia M. Prada, Tomáš Přívětivý, Suzanne M. Prober, Jonathan Prunier, Gabriel W. Quansah, Víctor Resco de Dios, Ronny Richter, Mark P. Robertson, Lucas F. Rocha, Megan A. Rúa, Carolina Sarmiento, Richard P. Silberstein, Mateus C. Silva, Flávia Freire Siqueira, Matthew Glenn Stillwagon, Jacqui Stol, Melanie K. Taylor, François P. Teste, David Y. P. Tng, David Tucker, Manfred Türke, Michael D. Ulyshen, Oscar J. Valverde-Barrantes, Eduardo van den Berg, Richard S. P. van Logtestijn, G. F. (Ciska) Veen, Jason G. Vogel, Timothy J. Wardlaw, Georg Wiehl, Christian Wirth, Michaela J. Woods, Paul-Camilo Zalamea
Science 377 ( 6613 ) 1440 - 1444 2022年09月
掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Deadwood is a large global carbon store with its store size partially determined by biotic decay. Microbial wood decay rates are known to respond to changing temperature and precipitation. Termites are also important decomposers in the tropics but are less well studied. An understanding of their climate sensitivities is needed to estimate climate change effects on wood carbon pools. Using data from 133 sites spanning six continents, we found that termite wood discovery and consumption were highly sensitive to temperature (with decay increasing >6.8 times per 10°C increase in temperature)—even more so than microbes. Termite decay effects were greatest in tropical seasonal forests, tropical savannas, and subtropical deserts. With tropicalization (i.e., warming shifts to tropical climates), termite wood decay will likely increase as termites access more of Earth’s surface.
MISC 【 表示 / 非表示 】
鈴木 紅葉, 北川 涼, 小出 大, 岡田 慶一, 森 章
日本森林学会大会発表データベース 131 477 2020年05月
記述言語:日本語 出版者・発行元:日本森林学会
科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
研究課題/領域番号:22K05730 2022年04月 - 2025年03月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 基盤研究(C)
岡田 慶一
配分額:4160000円 ( 直接経費:3200000円 、 間接経費:960000円 )
その他競争的資金獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2021年06月 - 2022年03月
農生命科学研究所 2021 年度 若手・女性研究者支援プロジェクト
配分額:1000000円 ( 直接経費:1000000円 )
2014年04月 - 2015年03月
民間財団等 藤原ナチュラルヒストリー振興財団
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
2014年04月 - 2015年02月
民間財団等 笹川科学研究助成
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
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岡田慶一, 中濱和紀, 西村祥紀, 時田勝広
第 134 回⽇本森林学会⼤会 2023年03月
記述言語:日本語 会議種別:ポスター発表
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日本生態学会 Ecological Research編集委員会 Copy Editor
2015年05月 - 2020年03月