Title |
Assistant Professor |
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NEMOTO Yui Assistant Professor |
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Regional Environment Science Assistant Professor
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Life Science / Ecology and environment
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Effects of 137Cs contamination after the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident on food and habitat of wild boar in Fukushima Prefecture. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Reviewed
225 106342 - 106342 2020.12
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Seasonal variation of Cesium-137 concentration in Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan Reviewed
Nemoto Y, Saito R, Oomachi H
13 ( 7 ) e0200797 2018.07
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
ブナ科堅果結実量の年次変動にともなうツキノワグマの秋期生息地選択の変化 Reviewed
根本唯, 小坂井千夏,山﨑晃司,小池伸介,中島亜美,郡麻里,正木隆,梶 光一
哺乳類科学 56 105 - 115 2016.07
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
秋田・岩手両県におけるツキノワグマの春季有害捕獲数変動に影響する要因 Reviewed
哺乳類科学 50 ( 1 ) 31 - 35 2010.07
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
上原 巌, 根本 唯, 佐藤 孝吉
森林科学 96 ( 0 ) 28 - 31 2022.10
Language:Japanese Publisher:日本森林学会
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
Variation of Cesium-137 Concentration in Wild Boar and Asian Black Bear. Namba K, Konoplev A, Wada T. eds. Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment III Reviewed International journal
Nemoto Y( Role: Sole author)
Total pages:510 Responsible for pages:481-493 Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
原発事故がもたらしたクマへの影響. BEARS JAPAN 22(2)
根本唯( Role: Sole author)
日本クマネットワーク 2021.11
Total pages:26 Responsible for pages:4-6 Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience
ツキノワグマとイノシシにおける原発事故後の放射性核種汚染とその季節変動. Bears Japan. 19(3)
根本唯( Role: Sole author)
日本クマネットワーク 2019.02
Responsible for pages:23-24 Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience