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SUZUKI Kojiro Professor |
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
東京農業大学 農学部造園学科 助手
1992.04 - 1993.03
東京農業大学 農学部造園学科 副手(有給)
1992.04 - 1993.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Regional Environment Science Department of Landscape Architecture Science Lecturer
2000.04 - 2005.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Regional Environment Science Department of Landscape Architecture Science Associate Professor
2007.04 - 2011.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Regional Environment Science Department of Landscape Architecture Science Professor
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Horticultural science
Humanities & Social Sciences / Education
Life Science / Biodiversity and systematics
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Conservation of biological resources
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Social-ecological systems
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Landscape Architecture
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Distribution of giant trees in the urban areas and western suburbs of Tokyo, Japan Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Kako Matsunagaa Department of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of Agro-Environmental Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan View further author information ,Ryosuke Atsukawa,Peng Xu,Nanako Killmann,Norma G. Medina,Satoru Tanaka,Kojiro Suzuki, Ian D. Rotherham
Arboricultural Journal 45 ( 4 ) 290 - 318 2023.08
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Taylor & Francis Online
Giant trees reflect site environmental conditions and to elucidate the distribution pattern of the giant trees, we investigated relationships between giant tree locations and landforms. On the basis of elevation, the landforms of Tokyo were divided into four types (lowland, plateau, hill, and mountain), and tree distribution patterns were divided into five groups, including three sub-types, with occurrence patterns of representative species [I: Frequently lowlands, often plateaux and mountain type (Machilus thunbergi); II: Frequently plateaux, often lowland, hill, or mountain type (Quercus acuta, Prunus speciosa, Taxodium distichum, Liriodendron tulipifera, Cedrus deodara, Aphananthe aspera, and Prunus × yedoensis “Somei-yoshino”) with two subtypes, II-1: Typically plateaux (Cinnamomum camphora, Castanopsis sieboldii, and Ginkgo biloba) and II-2: Frequently plateaux and hills (Zelkova serrata); III: Typically plateaux and hill type (Certis sinensis var. japonica, Torreya nucifera, Carpinus tschonoskii, Quercus myrsinifolia, and Quercus serrata) with one subtype, Frequently plateaux (Prunus jamasakura); IV: Mountains often with plateaux or hill type (Acer pictum subsp. mono, Aesculus turbinate, Abies firma, Cryptomeria japonica, and Cercidiphyllum japonicum); and V: Mountain-limited type (Castanea crenata, Pterocarya rhoifolia, and Fraxinus platypoda)]. Some giant trees, including Quercus crispula, Fagus japonica, Fagus crenata, and Tsuga sieboldii, were distributed in mountainous areas but not on plateaux, hills, or in lowlands. Some unique giant trees (Aphananthe aspera, Certis sinensis var. japonica, and Carpinus tschonoskii) are self-seeding in the wild and found in plateau areas but not mountainous or hilly areas. These results suggest that the distribution of giant trees is influenced by site ecological characteristics, tree physiology, and human management and land-use.
Relationships between number of <i>Carabus insulicola</i> and soil surface hardness at Hayano Umegaya special conservation green area, Kawasaki city, Japan Reviewed
Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 86 ( 5 ) 627 - 632 2023.03
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture
<p>Lack of maintenance of the forest floor have increased abandoned Satoyama areas. Abandonment Satoyama influence not only number of plants but also insects. This study investigated reason of few numbers of <i>C. insulicola</i> at bamboo forest by looking at the condition of soil surface hardness by field surveys and room experiments. Firstly, we checked and classified by cluster analysis the relationships of vegetation types and numbers of <i>C. insulicola</i> populations by field surveys. The vegetation type survey was made in an abandoned forest floor and bamboo forest area by cutting mainly <i>Pleioblastus chino</i> and <i>Phyllostachys edulis.</i> Secondly, the soil surface hardness was measured in each vegetation types for three years. Thirdly, room experiments were done to see whether <i>C. insulicola</i> can or cannot dig under different soil surface hardness in all year round. The results showed that few numbers of <i>C. insulicola</i> at bamboo forest were influenced by soil surface hardness, because the soil surface hardness was higher at the bamboo forest than at the abandoned forest. In the experiments, <i>C. insulicola</i> were not able to dig and hibernate under soil surface hardness, 2kg/cm<sup>2</sup> in winter season.</p>
Response of Native Plant, Ardisia pyramidalis (Cav.) Pers. to Alkaline Soil Condition for Use in Urban Landscape in Manila City, Metro Manila, Philippines Reviewed International coauthorship
Norma G. MEDINA, Nanako KILLMANN, Satoru TANAKA and Kojiro SUZUKI
Journal of agriculture science, Tokyo University of Agriculture 2023.01
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Ardisia pyramidalis (Cav.) Pers. is an evergreen tree and native species found in the Philippines with conspicuous flowers, edible leaves and medicinal values. Though rarely seen and commonly grown in nurseries, it is one of the native species that has potential for use in the urban environment. One of the challenges of enriching biodiversity in the urban area is the establishment of native plant species able to cope with harsh soil condition like increasing soil pH that has strong impact on plant growth. Field survey showed that soil in urban area has pH more than 7.0 or sometimes over 8.0 while soil where Ardisia naturally grows showed acidic ranging from 4.1-6.2. Planted Ardisia was growing well at soil pH 6.0-7.5. Thus, experiments to evaluate the tolerance reaction of A. pyramidalis to alkaline soil were conducted in Laguna Philippines from October 2020 to December 2021. Seedlings were grown in pots with 8-kg soil with varying amount of lime (Ca (OH)2). The results showed survival of plants at soil pH 7.5-7.7. At soil pH ≥8.3, the plants quickly defoliated but produce new leaves four to five months after treatments. Alkaline soil has significant effect on the number of leaves, tree height and leaf size of A. pyramidalis. But even beyond the optimum soil pH range for most plants, growth performance of Ardisia indicated that it is sensitive to changes in pH and has a wide range of pH adaptability. Deeper understanding of soil characteristics is crucial to sustain good health condition of the tree in urban landscape.
Effect of cutting <i>Pleioblastus chino</i> (Franch. et Sav.) Makino on the seed germination and growth of seedlings of two <i>Callicarpa</i> species Reviewed
Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 48 ( 1 ) 56 - 61 2022.08
<p>In abandoned secondary forests, <i>Pleioblastus chino</i> can grow in an unregulated manner and suppress the growth of the herbaceous layer. Two <i>Callicarpa</i> species, <i>C. japonica</i> and <i>C. mollis</i> are constituents of the shrub layer in secondary forests. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of cutting <i>P. chino</i> in every summer on the seed germination and survival rate of seedlings of each species. As a result of seed germination experiments in the laboratory and in the secondary forest, it was found that the germination rate was high under light conditions just after collection and that was improved even under dark conditions at low temperature by wet storage for 6 months. The survival rate of each species was higher in the cutting <i>P. chino</i> plot than in the non-cutting plot.</p>
DOI: 10.7211/jjsrt.48.56
Relationship between the greenspace area and number of plant species in the urban area of Yokohama, Japan Reviewed
Nanako Killmann, Norma G. Medina, Kako Matsunaga, Kojiro Suzuki, and Satoru Tanaka
ECO-HABITAT:JISE Research 28 ( 1 ) 2022.06
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
鈴木貢次郎・亀山慶晃・李景秀( Role: Joint author)
北海道出版会 2016.06
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
Landscape Architecutre of Tokyo University of Agriculture, JAPAN (共著)
高橋新平監修( Role: Joint author , 抽出不可能)
東京農業大学出版会 2015.08 ( ISBN:978-4-88694-451-1 )
Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
はかる つくる えがく・そだてる(共著)
東京農業大学地域環境科学部教員一同( Role: Joint author , 巨木を観る ~巨木から学ぶ~)
東京農業大学出版会 2015.08 ( ISBN:978-4-88694-450-4 )
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
Seedling :Ecology, Growht and Environmental influences; Environmental Conditions after Seed Dispersal of Spring Ephemeral Species at the Floor of Deciduous, Broad-Leaved Forests (jointly worked)
( Role: Joint author)
2013.04 ( ISBN:978-1-62618-653-8 )
Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
林良博,山口裕文編( Role: Joint author , 114-121,暮らしにおける植物とのかかわり 生活のよりどころとしての一本桜)
講談社 2012.04 ( ISBN:978-4-06-153737-8 )
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
Misc 【 display / non-display 】
グリーン・エージ ( 473 ) 20 - 23 2013.05
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other) Publisher:一般財団法人 日本緑化センター
新・実学ジャーナル 99 1 - 2 2013.04
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other) Publisher:東京農業大学
日本緑化工学会誌 22 ( 4 ) 1997.06
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
日本緑化工学会誌 19 ( 3 ) 1994.10
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
1992年8月11日から同年9月14日まで、南関東地方では、 降雨量が平年比の1~3%、降水量1.5mm内外という記録的乾燥状態が続いた。多くの空間が植栽木にも乾燥による影響が多数見られたので、その実態について、関東地方の各自治体134カ所を対象としたアンケート調査を行った。その結果、乾燥被害を受けた地域分布や植物の種類、乾燥被害に対する対策(灌水作業等)方法、被害額などについて考察した。
住宅・都市整備公団つくば開発局竜ヶ崎開発部(財)日本緑化センター 1992.05
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
「北竜台・龍ケ丘地区調節池集計計画報告書(平成3年3月)に引き続き、茨城県つくば市に位置する調節池内の 修景緑化に関する具体的な検討を行った。本報告書においては、調節池内に残存する既存樹林の現況植生調査を行い、保全・整備手法に関する検討を行った。また、造 成のり面にある構造物面の緑化修景手法の検討と、試験 施工植栽を行うための試験区の設定に関する実施設計を行い、その後の追跡調査計画の検討を行った。
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
放棄二次林におけるアズマネザサの刈り取りがスズラン亜科3種の光合成能力と訪花頻度に与える影響(P1-P-437# )
日本生態学会大会 2017.03 日本生態学会
Event date: 2017.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
中島 ,亀山
日本生態学会 2015.03 日本生態学会
Event date: 2015.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)
地域における桜の巨木と文化 International conference
鈴木 貢次郎
生き物文化誌学会第8回学術大会軽井沢大会 プログラム・抄録 2010.06
Event date: 2010.06
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
国内には,巨木の桜が多く残っている。本報では,福島県の一本桜の種類,生育状態(樹高や幹周,枝張り,健全度),生育場所(または管理者),周囲環境(根元周囲の土壌や周辺の土地利用),信仰対象や故事伝承の有無とその内容について調べた。その結果,エドヒガン:70本,シダレザクラ:56本,オオヤマザクラ:8本,カスミザクラ:3本,ヤマザクラ:4本,オオシマザクラ系園芸品種(サトザクラ):3本,イヌザクラ:2本, アカツキザクラ, ソメイヨシノ,ウワミズザクラ:それぞれ1本,合計149本の一本桜があげられた。エドヒガンに比べてシダレザクラは,幹周が小さい傾向を示した。一本桜の幹周は,300~499cmが最も多く,500cmを超えると少なくなる傾向を示した。300~499cmの幹周の一本桜の推定樹齢は,200~400年ともいわれており,1610~1810年の江戸時代に植栽されたもの,または江戸時代から自然に生育したものが多いと考えられた。本来この地域には生育していなかったと思われるオオシマザクラ系園芸品種(サトザクラ)の一本桜が会津地方にみられた。これらの一本桜は,山中にあるのではなく,河川に近い場所,すなわち人の生活が営まれている所,特に寺社,神社に多くみられた。それぞれの一本桜には,「種まき桜」,「苗代桜」,追猪の桜,馬場桜等,通称が付けられていた。また,一本桜の根元には土着信仰と思われる偶像や祠が多くみられた。近年,市街地に生育する一本桜が,台風等によって倒れるという報告もあった。一本桜が河川沿いの人の生活圏に多くみられたのは,文化が生き物(一本桜)を守ってきた証と思われるが,近年の急激な人の生活圏の環境の変化は,いくつかの一本桜の生育にとって厳しい状況のようである。
実生にみるエドヒガンの立ち性型と枝垂れ型 International conference
樹木医学会第14会大会 2009.11
Event date: 2009.11
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
シダレザクラ(Prunus pendula Maxim. f. pendula (Makino)Ohwi)は,ウバヒガン(エドヒガン,P. pendula Maxim. f. ascendens (Makino) Ohwi)の1変種で,これと枝が垂れ下がる点が異なるだけであること(牧野富太郎1962),シダレザクラの種子を播くとシダレザクラ,エドヒガン,その中間性のものを発生する(上原敬二1961)ことをシダレザクラの実生個体の樹形でみた.216個体の実生の樹形を写真撮影によって調べ,分類した結果,枝垂れ型が立ち性型(エドヒガン)の一変種にすぎないことを裏付けることができた.
福島県のサクラの巨木 International conference
樹木医学会第14会大会 2009.11
Event date: 2009.11
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
国内でもサクラの巨木が多い福島県を調査対象地として,その種や形状,生育場所,健全度を報告した.エドヒガン(Prunus pendula f. ascendens)とシダレザクラ(P. pendula f. pendula)が著しく多く,その他には,オオヤマザクラ(P. sargentii),ヤマザクラ(P. jamasakura),カスミザクラ(P. verecunda)3本,アカツキザクラ(Prunus ×compta),イヌザクラ(P. buergeriana),ウワミズザクラ(P. grayana)がみられた.また雑種(園芸種)といわれているサトザクラ(P. lannesiana cv.)とソメイヨシノ(P. × yedoensis)が数本みられた.シダレザクラに比べて,エドヒガンの方が幹周の大きいものが多かった.ヤマザクラの1本のみ700cmを越えたが,オオヤマザクラとあわせてその他は全て600cm未満であった.カスミザクラ,アカツキザクラ,イヌザクラ,ウワミズザクラは400cm以下,ソメイヨシノは500cm以下であった.サトザクラは全て株立ちであった.サクラの巨木は盆地の標高1,000m以下の川沿いに多く生育していた.県内東側(通称:浜通り)には,サクラの巨木が少なく,シダレザクラとヤマザクラが数本みられたのみであった.県内内陸部(通称:中通り)の福島盆地と郡山盆地のほぼ中央にある阿武隈川とその支流近くにエドヒガンとシダレザクラの巨木が多かった.県内西側(通称:会津地方)では中通りに比べてシダレザクラは少なく,オオヤマザクラ,ヤマザクラが多い傾向を示した.
Basic stance of industry-university cooperation 【 display / non-display 】