Title |
Professor |
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NAKAMURA Takatoshi Professor |
From Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Doctoral program (second term) Completed
1998.04 - 2002.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School, Division of Bioindustry Doctoral program (first term) Completed
1996.04 - 1998.03
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Bio-Industry Lecturer
2005.04 - 2014.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Bio-Industry Department of Bio-production Associate Professor
2014.04 - 2018.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Bio-Industry Department of Northern Biosphere Agriculture Associate Professor
2018.04 - 2022.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Bio-Industry Department of Northern Biosphere Agriculture Professor
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
The Botanical Society of Japan
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Life Science / Ecology and environment
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Development and evaluation of mire vegetation survey method using UAV equipped with omnidirectional video camera Reviewed
Takatoshi Nakamura, Shinya Ohki, Hiroyuki Yamada
Ecology and Civil Engineering 23 ( 2 ) 383 - 393 2021
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Transplantation of native species to existing vegetated slopes: Importance of optimal habitat and initial nutrient reserves Reviewed International journal
Takatoshi Nakamura, Haruto Hirano, Hiroki Jin, Ryouta Zenpou, Rika Ohtani, Takeshi Kiyokawa, Hiroshi Kakuda
Ecological Engineering 144 2020
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Although ecosystem degradation is often caused by existing slopes vegetated with commercial species, limited data are available for implementing practical approaches for nature restoration by transplanting native species to those vegetated slopes. Existing vegetated slopes are characterized by spatial heterogeneity in the habitat environment and competition with existing vegetation, which affect the behaviors of transplanted native species. In this study, we examined the factors affecting the survival, growth, verticillation, and flowering of Lilium pensylvanicum, a native coastal-meadow species transplanted to a vegetated road slope in Hokkaido, Japan. In the fourth year after transplantation, the number of surviving plantlets was 364 (57% of 640 transplanted plantlets) and the number of plantlets that shifted to verticillate leaves was 181 (50% of the survivors). The flowering plantlets accounted for 9% (n = 34) of the survivors. The generalized linear model showed that plantlet survival is strongly promoted by a larger bulb scale, that is, nutrient reserves. Furthermore, the survival ratio was greatly improved in the drought-prone, stressful habitats with low vegetation coverage, even for plantlets with relatively smaller bulb scales. However, in the moist habitat with high coverage, the survival ratio was greatly decreased regardless of the bulb scale size. Growth, verticillation, and flowering were facilitated by higher soil nutrient availability, such as a lower C/N ratio and thicker soil layer. Therefore, transplanting of native species to vegetated slopes requires the selection of stress-tolerant species with large nutrient reserves and identification of optimal habitats for transplanting, namely stressful environments with reduced vegetation coverage.
Root respiratory costs of ion uptake, root growth, and root maintenance in wetland plants: efficiency and strategy of O2 use for adaptation to hypoxia Reviewed International journal
Nakamura, T. and Nakamura, M.
Oecologia 182 667 - 678 2016
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Oxygen use in roots is an important aspect of wetland plant ecophysiology, and it depends on the respiratory costs of three major processes: ion uptake, root growth, and root maintenance. However, O2 allocation in wetland plants has received little attention. This study aimed to determine the O2 allocation and specific respiratory cost of each process under hypoxic conditions, to better understand the strategy and efficiency of O2 use in wetland plants. The root respiration rate, nitrogen uptake, and root growth in three Carex species with different growth rates were examined under hypoxic conditions using different N sources, and the respiratory costs of ion uptake, root growth, and root maintenance were statistically estimated. All species exhibited low specific costs and low ratios of O2 allocation for root growth (2.0 ± 0.4 mmol O2 g–1 and 15.2 ± 2.7%, respectively). The specific cost of ion uptake was 20–30% lower in fast-growing species than in slow-growing species. As plant growth rate increased, the O2 allocation ratio for ion uptake increased, and that for root maintenance decreased. The cost was higher when NO3– was fed, than when NH4+ was fed, although the pattern of O2 allocation ratios for three processes was similar for NO3– and NH4+. Our results indicate that wetland plants primarily employ an O2 use strategy of minimising the respiratory costs of root growth, and fast-growing plants specifically use O2 to maximise ion uptake. These findings provide new insights into ecophysiological behaviours of roots in adaptation to hypoxia.
Phytometric assessment of alder seedling establishment in fen and bog: Implications for forest expansion mechanisms in mire ecosystems Reviewed
T. Nakamura, S. Uemura, K. Yabe and H. Yamada
Plant and soil 369 365 - 375 2013
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Aims Rapid forest expansion as a result of anthropogenic activities has been observed in many mires. However, it is unclear which environmental factors are driving this expansion because there have been no systematic investigations into mire-specific tree seedling establishment. This study investigated factors affecting the establishment of common alder (Alnus japonica) in a mire.
Methods We performed seed sowing and seedling transplantation field experiments to examine the factors influencing germination rate, seedling survival, and seedling growth of A. japonica.
Results Germination rate and seedling survival period decreased with increasing water level, and seedling dry weight was reduced at pH < 6.0. Germination rate was also lower in the fen, whereas seedling dry weight was lower in the bog, which could be reasonably explained by the higher water level in the fen and the lower pH in the bog.
Conclusions Our results showed that germination and seedling growth in the fen and bog were each inhibited by different mire-specific conditions: high water level and low pH, respectively. Therefore, seedling establishment could be improved by either lowering the water level in fens, to increase germination rate and survival, or raising the pH in bogs, to increase growth. -
Functional linkage between N acquisition strategies and aeration capacities of hydrophytes for efficient oxygen consumption in roots Reviewed
Nakamura, M., Nakamura, T.*, Tsuchiya, T. & Noguchi, K.
Physiologia Plantarum 147 135 - 146 2013
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
We evaluated the specific strategies of hydrophytes for root O2 consumption in relation to N acquisition and investigated whether the strategies varied depending on the aeration capacity. Aeration capacity of roots is an important factor for determining hypoxia tolerance in plants. However, some hydrophytes possessing quite different aeration capacities often co-occur in wetlands, suggesting that root O2 consumption also strongly affects hypoxia tolerance. We cultivated Phragmites australis with high aeration capacity and Zizania latifolia with low aeration capacity in hypoxic conditions with NH4+ or NO3– treatment and compared the growth, N uptake, N assimilation, and root respiration between the 2 species. In Z. latifolia grown with NH4+ treatment, high N uptake activity and restrained root growth led to sufficient N acquisition and decrease in whole-root respiration rate. These characteristics consequently compensated for the low aeration capacity. In contrast, in P. australis, low N uptake activity was compensated by active root growth, but the whole-root respiration rate was high. This high root respiration rate was allowed by the high aeration capacity. The O2 consumption-related traits of hydrophyte roots were closely correlated with N acquisition strategies, which consequently led to a compensational relationship with the root aeration capacity. It is likely that this functional linkage plays an important role as a core mechanism in the adaptation of plants to hypoxic soils.
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
ウェットランドセミナー100回記念出版編集委員会編、中村隆俊( Role: Joint author , 5章 湿原植物の窒素利用)
北海道大学出版会 2017.04
Total pages:364 Responsible for pages:45-54 Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
担当部分:5章 湿原植物の窒素利用
松原 創編、塩本 明弘編、中村隆俊( Role: Joint author , コラム 「アッケシソウ群生地保全」)
生物研究社 2016.10 ( ISBN:4915342743 )
Total pages:200 Responsible for pages:p.79 Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
中村太士・小池孝良 編、中村隆俊( Role: Contributor , pp.44-45)
朝倉書店 2005.09
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
亀山章・倉本宣・日置佳之 編、中村隆俊( Role: Joint author , pp64~83)
ソフトサイエンス 2005.04
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
担当部分:第2編各論, 湿原。自然再生を進める際の科学的な方法と技術を示すことを目的とし、自然再生の目標と方法、自然再生の事業化のプロセス、技術的な対応と手法、自然再生に関する制度などについて解説した。担当執筆部分では、湿原生態系の特性と再生を行う背景について述べ、再生の目標設定、技術的手法、評価と課題などについて事例を用いて詳しく解説した。B5版、264pp.
環境省自然環境局・自然環境共生技術協会 編、中村隆俊( Role: Joint author , pp98~99)
ぎょうせい 2004.07
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
担当部分:第3部2章コラム, ハンノキは悪者か? 釧路湿原各地で行われている環境省主導の自然再生事業について、その基本理念から進展状況を解説し、市民の意見まで幅広く紹介した。担当執筆部分では、広里湿原再生地区におけるハンノキ林の増加と事業とのかかわりについて、ハンノキの生態的特性に触れながら紹介した。B5版、279pp.
Misc 【 display / non-display 】
中村 隆俊
厚岸湖・別寒辺牛湿原学術研究助成報告書 2010.03
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
「温根内・安原地区(A, Bライン)および広里地区Gラインにおけるハンノキ稚樹植栽試験」
中村 隆俊
環境省自然環境局 釧路湿原自然再生事業広里地区自然環境調査報告書 2009.03
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
本報告では、温根内・安原地区のA, Bラインおよび、広里地区湿原区のGライン上の調査定点において、自記水位計による水位の連続観測を行うと共にハンノキ稚樹の植栽を行い、それらの生育反応と詳細水位環境との対応関係について解析を行った。さらに、平成18年度に得られた発芽率データと今回の詳細水位環境との関係についても解析を行った。
中村 隆俊
環境省自然環境局 釧路湿原自然再生事業広里地区自然環境調査報告書 2009.03
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
平成17年度19年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書 2008.06
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
「Variation in nitrogen isotope ratio and nitrogen concentration within foliage of a tropical broadleaf evergreen tree in relation to leaf position and habitat」
T. Nakamura, K. Yabe, T. Matsubara and M. Osaki
平成17年度平成19年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書 2008.06
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
δ15N variations within foliage and relating ecophysiological factors in tropical evergreen tree, Combretocarpus rotundatus, were studied focusing on leaf positions, leaf nitrogen status and habitats.
In Mud swamp and Peat swamp, the three leaves were collected at each of the nine positions consisted of three leaf positions within a branch (apical to basal) x three branch positions in a tree (higher to lower), respectively, and nitrogen concentration and stable nitrogen isotope were examined.
Whole variation in leaf δ15N was firstly affected by the difference of habitat, secondly by branch position and thirdly by leaf position. In Mud swamp, the mean δ15N was 3.5‰ higher than Peat swamp, which reflects the difference of nitrogen source positively correlating to soil decomposition traits. In each habitat, the δ15N variation reached 3‰, and the higher values were obtained from apical leaves in higher branch. Moreover, leaf nitrogen concentration was positively correlated with the δ15N. Consequently, the isotope fractionation synchronized with photosynthesis would be closely concerned with the foliage δ15N pattern.
This study indicated that δ15N variations within foliage would not be negligible factor to evaluate the plant δ15N value, and those variations would depend on physiological activities varying along branch position and leaf position.
Honours, Awards and Prizes 【 display / non-display 】
Ohshima Prize
2017.03 Ecological Society of Japan Distribution mechanisms of mire plants
Takatoshi Nakamura
Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. Country:Japan
Oze Prize
2014.06 Oze Preservation Foundation Ecophysiological approaches to clarify distribution mechanisms of mire plants
Takatoshi Nakamura
Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc. Country:Japan
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results 【 display / non-display 】
2021.04 - 2024.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2018.04 - 2021.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
山田 浩之
2017.04 - 2020.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2015.04 - 2017.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
笹木 潤
2014.04 - 2016.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Assessments of mire vegetation survey using the UAV and VR camera International conference
Takatosi NAKAMURA, Ryukou ISONO, Hiroyuki YAMADA, Toru SUZUKI
Event date: 2021.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Assessments of mire vegetation survey method using the UAV and VR camera International conference
Event date: 2020.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
網走市北浜道路法面に移植したエゾキスゲの生残・成長・開花特性 International conference
日本造園学会北海道支部大会 2019.10
Event date: 2019.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
網走市北浜道路法面に移植したエゾスカシユリの生残・成長・開花特性 -移植後4年目の経過-
日本造園学会北海道支部会 2018 日本生態学会
Event date: 2018
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
湿生植物の根における給気状況の評価と温度応答 —根内の空隙率と酸素濃度の変化—
日本生態学会第65回大会 2018 日本生態学会
Event date: 2018
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
Social Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Role(s): Consultant
大空町教育委員会 2021.04
Role(s): Consultant
網走市 2012.04