Title |
Professor |
Laboratory Address |
東京都世田谷区桜丘1-1-1 |
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NAKANISHI Yasuhiro Professor |
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
東京農業大学 農学部農業拓殖学科 副手(有給)
1987.04 - 1990.03
東京農業大学 宮古亜熱帯農場 副手(有給)
1990.04 - 1992.03
東京農業大学 宮古亜熱帯農場 助手
1992.04 - 1998.03
東京農業大学 国際食料情報学部 国際農業開発学科 、兼、国際食料情報学部宮古亜熱帯農場 講師
1998.04 - 2002.03
東京農業大学 国際食料情報学部宮古亜熱帯農場 教育研究部主任
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Japan Society for Mangroves
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental dynamic analysis
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Dissolved iron
Coral reef
Active nitrogen
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Values of δD and δ<sup>18</sup>O and concentrations of <sup>3</sup>H and <sup>14</sup>C of deep groundwater in Djibouti
ASAKURA Yasuhiro, NAKANISHI Yasuhiro
Journal of Arid Land Studies 32 ( 3 ) 77 - 77 2022.12
Language:English Publisher:The Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies
<p>Djibouti is located at the northeast end of the African Continent. Rivers are not formed normally in this country due to the extremely low amount of rainfall (c.a. 150 mm annually) and rain falls irregularly in a short time. Consequently, deep groundwater in the volcanic aquifer has been thought to be the only available resource of fresh water in most of the region of the country. As it is difficult for the habitants to grow crops due to the extremely arid condition, nomads occupy over 30% of the national population. The nomads are strongly dependent on fresh water from groundwater and some advanced farmers have started to use groundwater for growing cash crops in rural area of this country. Although some research have been conducted to find out the depth, quality and age of groundwater, the data is not still enough to construct a scheme of agricultural development using groundwater in larger area of Djibouti. Then in this study, the purposes are firstly to estimate the original recharged area of deep groundwater of this country, using stable isotope analysis (δD, δ<sup>18</sup>O), and secondary to calculate the age of groundwater, using radioactive isotope analysis (<sup>3</sup>H, <sup>14</sup>C). We have collected groundwater samples from 16 wells in 4 area (Djibouti City, Arta, Ali-Sabieh, and Dikihil) in 2019. This report shows the results obtained so far. The results on EC indicated higher than 0.8 mScm-1 for all the samples. According to the clustering analysis based on the ionic constructions, the samples collected from 2 areas (Djibouti City and Arta area) were classified into the Na-Cl type and the other two (Ari-Sabieh area and Dikihil area) into the Na-HCO<sub>3</sub> type. The results on δD and δ<sup>18</sup>O showed a possibility that there are multiple recharge areas of the groundwater. The concentration of 3H on the 6 samples was very low (under 0.3 T. U.), indicating that the age of the groundwater samples was older than 70 years.</p>
Values of δD and δ<sup>18</sup>O and concentrations of <sup>3</sup>H and <sup>14</sup>C of deep groundwater in Djibouti
ASAKURA Yasuhiro, OFLEH Bouh Houssein, NAKANISHI Yasuhiro
Journal of Arid Land Studies 32 ( S ) 71 - 75 2022.12
Language:English Publisher:The Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies
<p>In Djibouti, as the amount of the fresh water is not large enough, deeper groundwater recharged in the volcanic aquifer has been developed and it is considered to be a new source of fresh water in most of the region of the country. Although some studies have been conducted to find out the volume, depth, quality and age of groundwater, the data is not still enough to construct a scheme of agricultural development using the deeper groundwater in large area of Djibouti. Therefore, the first purpose of this study is to estimate the original recharged area of the deeper groundwater of this country, using stable isotope (δD and δ<sup>18</sup>O) analysis, and secondary to calculate the age of groundwater, using radioactive isotope (<sup>3</sup>H and <sup>14</sup>C) analysis. We have collected groundwater samples from 16 wells in 4 districts (Djibouti City, Arta, Ali-Sabieh, and Dikihil) in 2019. The results on δD and δ<sup>18</sup>O showed a possibility that the recharge areas were not simple in the complicated geological condition with lots of various faults even the location of wells is close. The concentration of <sup>3</sup>H on the 6 samples was very low (under 0.3 T. U.), indicating that the age of the groundwater samples was older than 70 years.</p>
Water resources modeling of Ali Faren catchment in Ambouli watershed, Djibouti
TOSAKA Hiroyuki, HAZART Aurelian, YORITATE Toru, CUEVAS Sergio Azael May, SHIMADA Sawahiko, NAKANISHI Yasuhiro, MALOW Fadoumo A.
Journal of Arid Land Studies 32 ( 3 ) 129 - 129 2022.12
Language:English Publisher:The Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies
<p>The water resource utilized for social activities in Djibouti is almost exclusively groundwater which is abstracted by shallow wells from the porous sediments in wadis with estimated thickness of several meters to around 20 meters, and by deeper wells from the fractured zone of basaltic base rock. Because of small annual precipitation and high geological ambiguity associated with wadis and fractures, to find out new good groundwater locations is not an easy task in Djibouti.</p><p>In this project, utilizing collected various field data, we try to construct numerical hydrologic models for estimating groundwater movement through wadis and fractures. A terrestrial fluid flow simulator GETFLOWS is used for this purpose, in which surface/subsurface coupled flows under precipitation/evapotranspiration are dealt. It might be able to reproduce and visualize occasional flooding through wadis at rainfalls, infiltration into the wadi sediments, and flow/retention of groundwater in wadi networks.</p><p>For the first modeling site, we deal Ali Faren catchment, a small part of large Ambouli watershed which spreads in the south-west of Djibouti City.</p><p>Using the satellite image of Google Earth and high-resolution DSM (AW3D supplied by RESTEC), the target area including wadi networks and base rock surface were discretized three-dimensionally into around 35,000 horizontally and 15 vertically, with corner-pointed structured grid system.</p><p>In the symposium, we will present the modeling procedures, settings of geological conditions and hydraulic parameters, and results of simulation including model equilibration, calibration and prospecting case studies.</p>
Water resources modeling of the Ali Faren catchment in the Ambouli watershed, Djibouti
TOSAKA Hiroyuki, HAZART Aurelien, YORITATE Toru, MAY CUEVAS Sergio Azael, SHIMADA Sawahiko, NAKANISHI Yasuhiro, MALOW Fadoumo A.
Journal of Arid Land Studies 32 ( S ) 313 - 317 2022.12
Language:English Publisher:The Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies
<p>Due to small annual rainfall and high temperature, the water resource utilized for social activities in Djibouti is almost exclusively groundwater. Groundwater is collected through shallow wells in the porous sediments of the wadis with estimated thickness of several meters to about 20 meters, and through deeper wells in the fractured zone of the basaltic base rock. The network of wadis on the surface can be recognized by satellite imagery relatively clearly, but high geological ambiguity associated with the wadis and fractures, finding new good groundwater locations is not an easy task in Djibouti. In this study, using various field data collected, we have attempted to explore groundwater potential employing numerical hydrological model together with various field survey technologies. This paper introduces the first stage trials of numerical modeling using a terrestrial fluid flow simulator GETFLOWS, in which surface/subsurface coupled flows under precipitation/evapotranspiration are treated. For the target site, we selected the Ali Faren catchment, a part of large Ambouli watershed that extends southwest of Djibouti City. The Ali Faren catchment was discretized into a three dimensional model, reflecting the shape of wadi networks and basaltic surface. Giving initial estimates of hydrogeological parameters, several trial equilibrations/calibrations were made in order to check consistency between the hydrogeological setting and the calculated subsurface water condition. Using actual records of rainfall, the model showed occasional flush floods through the wadis and infiltration at relatively heavy rainfall.</p>
Nakanishi Yasuhiro, Matsutani Tatsuma, Hinokidani Ko, Nagai Takashi, Irie Mami
Tropics 28 ( 4 ) 91 - 97 2020.02
<p>Iron solubilization in mangrove soils associated with polyphenols leached out from leaf-litter can improve iron bioavailability. In this context, the leaf-removing process by mangrove crabs would increase reacting frequency of the polyphenols in mangrove leaves with iron in the soils. In this study, we investigated ecological roles of a leaf-removing crab, <i>Neosarmatium smithi</i>, on the iron solubilization process. After the fallen leaves carried by the crabs to their burrows and eaten by them, polyphenols may be remained in their feces. If so, contact of polyphenols in the feces with mangrove soils could promote elution of dissolved iron from the soils. In order to demonstrate this hypothesis, we firstly surveyed the appearance ratio of the black part in crab burrows and measured total phenolic content in feces of <i>N. smithi</i> as well as in the black part soil. Then, we examined influences of the crab feces on dissolved iron elution from mangrove soils. As the results, the appearance ratio of the black part in the burrow was 67% and the phenolic content in the feces, the black part, and the yellow part in crab burrows were 9.93, 0.49, and 0.12mg g<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. Dissolved iron content in the solution (soil+water extract from feces) was 0.65μg g<sup>-1</sup> and this content was 4.5 times higher than the control (soil+distilled water). We suggest that the polyphenols remained in the feces affect to solubilize insoluble forms of iron by iron reduction and chelating properties.</p>
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
中西康博( Role: Contributor)
日本海水学会 2017.09
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
中西康博、16名( Role: Joint author)
筑波書房 2017.04
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
Yasuhiro Nakanishi( Role: Sole author , Part III-13. Local governance for groundwater conservation based on voluntary restrictions on the use of common property: A study of utaki in Miyako, Okinawa. pp.253-270)
Unitied Nations University Press 2013.01 ( ISBN:978-92-808-1223-7 )
Language:English Book type:Scholarly book
南西諸島において地域信仰の拠点として保全されてきた御嶽(うたき)が地域唯一の淡水資源である地下水の水質保全への寄与について、その分布と地域環境との関係で論述した。A5、p.412. 編者:Takeshi Murota, Ken Takeshita.
Environmental problems in the Ryukyu Archipelago
Yasuhiro Nakanishi( Role: Sole author)
Koubunken Co., Ltd. 2012.12 ( ISBN:978-4-87498-499-4 )
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
宮古の自然と文化 第3集
中西康博( Role: Sole author , 第1部第7章「宮古よもやま話-自然と人々のいとなみ」pp.109-121)
新星出版株式会社 2011.12 ( ISBN:978-4-905192-09-1 )
Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience
沖縄県宮古島の自然と風土について、「カラスと森、そして御嶽」「お賽銭と森、宮古の海」「パーントゥと黒潮 島尻という地名の世界観」「宮古のサトウキビ農業は果たして農業か?」「宮古オトーリ考 効能と伝来奇説」と題した5つのエッセーを示した。A5、p.273.宮古の自然と文化を考える会編.主要著者:渡久山章、大城逸朗、梶原健次
Misc 【 display / non-display 】
ジブチの沙漠に緑を―SATREPS プロジェクトによる 持続可能なアグロパストラル・システムの実装―
沙漠研究 29 ( 2 ) 61 - 67 2019.09
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)
陸と海との相互扶助 Invited
食農と環境 23 94 - 99 2019.03
宮古島の地下水環境の特徴と保全 Invited
熱帯・亜熱帯地域水環境に関する研究動向-日本水環境学会 1 11 - 14 2018.03
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
汚泥肥料に含まれる窒素化合物の可給性について Invited
再生と利用 39 ( 150 ) 98 - 102 2016.01
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Nitrogen outflow control for preserving coral reef ecosystem on Yoron Island
Yasuhiro Nakanishi
Aquabiology 34 ( 4 ) 355 - 359 2012.08
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:Seibutsu Kenkyusha Co., Ltd.
Honours, Awards and Prizes 【 display / non-display 】
地域環境保全功労者賞 (表彰者:環境大臣 小沢鋭仁)
中西 康博
Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. Country:Japan
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results 【 display / non-display 】
2017.04 - 2020.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
新保 輝幸
2014.04 - 2017.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
新保 輝幸
Establishment of the data-base of food with Maillard reactions for food safety
2012.04 - 2015.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Basic Research (A)
Seiichi HOMMA
Integrated system analysis of community structure, material cycle and ecosystem response processes for ecosystem conservation in subtropical islands
2012.04 - 2015.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Basic Research (A)
2006.04 - 2011.03
科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究
浅野 耕太
Past of Commissioned Research 【 display / non-display 】
2009.04 - 2010.03
沖縄県農業研究センター 一般受託研究 The General Consignment Study
中西 康博
2008.08 - 2009.03
沖縄県農業研究センター 一般受託研究 The General Consignment Study
中西 康博
2008.04 - 2009.03
味の素株式会社 一般受託研究 The General Consignment Study
中西 康博
2007.05 - 2008.03
味の素株式会社 一般受託研究 The General Consignment Study
中西 康博
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
マングローブ水域における溶存鉄および溶存有機物の動態 International conference
檜谷 昂、原 大地、中西康博
第29回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会(札幌) 2019.06
Event date: 2019.06
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
流域土地利用状況とマングローブ葉δ15Nとの関係 International conference
高橋 暁、浅倉康裕、Tanu Fedouse Zaman、中西康博
第29回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会(札幌) 2019.06
Event date: 2019.06
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
熱帯沿岸海域への溶存鉄供給システムとしてのマングローブ生態系評価 Invited International conference
中西康博,檜谷 昂
日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会 2019.05
Event date: 2019.05
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Marine productivity may be enhanced on through interaction between mangroves and herbivorous snail International conference
Ko Hinokidani, TakumiTakahashi, Daichi Hara, Kyoko Naoi, Yasuhiro Nakanishi
Annual meeting 2018, British Ecological Society 2018.12
Event date: 2018.12
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Ability evaluation for mangrove species in absorbing and removing active nitrogen derived from human activities International conference
Yasuhiro Asakura, Tanu Ferdouse Zaman, Ko Hinokidani, Yasuhiro Nakanishi
Annual meeting 2018, British Ecological Society 2018.12
Event date: 2018.12
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Teaching Experience 【 display / non-display 】
Institution:Tokyo University of Agriculture
Institution:Tokyo University of Agriculture
Institution:Tokyo University of Agriculture
Comparative Food Production Technologies
Institution:Tokyo University of Agriculture
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
日本マングローブ学会 理事(総務担当)
Committee type:Academic society
Basic stance of industry-university cooperation 【 display / non-display 】
Attractiveness of Research 【 display / non-display 】