Updated on 2024/07/19






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Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 博士(獣医学) ( 2006.06   北海道大学 )

Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display

  • Tokyo University of Agriculture   Faculty of Bio-Industry   Department of Aqua Bioscience and Industry   Lecturer

    2006.04 - 2010.03

  • Tokyo University of Agriculture   Faculty of Bio-Industry   Department of Aqua Bioscience and Industry   Associate Professor

    2010.04 - 2014.03

  • Tokyo University of Agriculture   Faculty of Bio-Industry   Department of Aqua Bioscience and Industry   Professor

    2014.04 - 2018.03

  • Tokyo University of Agriculture   Faculty of Bio-Industry   Department of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences   Professor


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Occurrence patterns and trends of cetaceans in the coastal waters of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Nemuro Strait, Hokkaido, Japan

    KOBAYASHI Hayao, MAEDA Mitsuhiko, OHKI Erica, TAKANO Nobumichi, IKUTA Shun, KOBAYASHI Mari

    Japan Cetology   33 ( 0 )   25 - 35   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Cetology Study Group of Japan  

    Throughout the year, various cetaceans appear along the coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Nemuro Strait in Hokkaido, Japan. Since 2006, whale-watching boats have been operating in both areas, providing a valuable platform for studying the ecology of whales. The present study aims to clarify the seasonal patterns and inter-annual variations in sightings of cetaceans in both areas based on records from whale-watching boats. Monthly numbers of sailing days and days on which each species was observed were tallied from the sighting records of whale-watching boats operating off the coast of Abashiri in the Sea of Okhotsk and Rausu in the Nemuro Strait. For species with high numbers of sightings, detection rates were calculated, and seasonal and inter-annual variations were examined for each species in each area. In both areas, minke whales were sighted more frequently in the spring, Dall's porpoises in the summer, and Baird's beaked whales in the autumn. Although Pacific white-sided dolphins were most frequently observed in July, sightings also occurred in September and October off the coast of Abashiri. The period of sightings for minke whales was longer and the detection rate was higher off the coast of Abashiri than off Rausu. Conversely, the period of sightings for Dall's porpoise was longer off the coast of Rausu, and killer and sperm whales, less frequently sighted off the coast of Abashiri, were frequently sighted off Rausu. In recent years, the detection rate of minke whales has decreased in both areas, while that of fin whales has been increasing. Since factors affecting the population dynamics of both species are currently unknown, ongoing monitoring is vital for gaining a better understanding of the dynamics of both populations.

    DOI: 10.5181/cetology.33.0_25

  • Feeding pattern change of spotted seals (<i>Phoca largha</i>) newly weaned pups on the coast of Hokkaido, Japan

    Takano Nobumichi, Kobayashi Mari

    Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science)   63 ( 2 )   157 - 166   2023

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Mammal Society of Japan  

    <p>Young and adult individuals of spotted seals (<i>Phoca largha</i>) migrate to the coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Here, their diet includes euryphagous, and they mainly feed on fish and cephalopods in shallow coastal waters. The newly weaned pups utilize small planktonic crustaceans, including krill, as prey in addition to fish prey. In this study, we aimed to analyze the dietary changes of newly weaned pups in the coastal waters of Hokkaido, Japan to understand the specific aspects and timing of these changes. Ordinal logistic regression showed that the krill-specific diet was mainly observed in March; the combined diet, which consisted mainly of krill and fish, was observed in April; and the fish-specific diet, which consisted mainly of fish, was observed in May. The newly weaned pups that lacked experience in foraging and swimming ability actively used krill as their main prey. Later, with the disappearance of sea ice, they shifted to a fish-specific diet, suggesting that the active use of bottom-layer fish is an advantageous strategy for their survival.</p>

    DOI: 10.11238/mammalianscience.63.157

  • Ontogenetic and sexual difference in pelvic bones between harbour porpoise (<i>Phocoena phocoena</i>) and Dall’s porpoise (<i>Phocoenoides dalli</i>)

    Okabe Yuna, Kobayashi Mari, Arai Yuichi

    Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science)   63 ( 2 )   167 - 178   2023

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Mammal Society of Japan  

    <p>Pelvic bone is attached to the ischiocavernosus muscle, which is connected to the penis. The sizes of the penis and testes vary with breeding system, and they are larger in a multi-male system than in a single-male system. Harbour and Dall’s porpoises are members of Phocoenidae family. Although they have similar socialities, their breeding systems differ. Therefore, we predicted differences in the morphology of the pelvic bones in these species. Pelvic bones were collected from harbour porpoises (<i>n</i> = 54) and Dall’s porpoises (<i>n</i> = 76). The present study analyzed 29 semi-landmarks using linear regression and canonical variate analyses. Linear regression analysis showed that the length, height, and width of the pelvic bones were positively correlated with body length. There was a significant difference in the slope of the regression line between the males of both species. The shape of the pelvic bone was identified based on sex and sexual maturity; in mature males of both species, the pelvic bone at the center was wider than that in immature males and females. These differences in the size and shape of the pelvic bone are likely due to differences in the amount of the ischiocavernosus muscle attached to the pelvic bone.</p>

    DOI: 10.11238/mammalianscience.63.167

  • Anti-<i>Brucella</i> antibodies in seals at coastal locations of Hokkaido, Japan, with focus on life stages


    Journal of Veterinary Medical Science   84 ( 4 )   543 - 547   2022

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    <p>The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was applied to detect antibodies against <i>Brucella abortus</i> in serum samples from four seal species at nine coastal locations of Hokkaido, Japan. These antibodies were detected in 27% (32/118) of Western Pacific harbor seals (<i>Phoca vitulina stejnegeri</i>) at Cape Erimo. The antibodies were observed in spotted seals (<i>P. largha</i>) in one out of six at Nemuro, in two out of three at Rebun Island, in one out of two at Bakkai, and in examined one at Soya. They were also found in respective examined one ribbon seal (<i>Histriophoca fasciata</i>) and one ringed seal (<i>Pusa hispida</i>) at Akkeshi. Harbor seals that tested positive were mostly yearlings (35%, 20/57) and juveniles (45%, 10/22), while only one pup (1/13) and one subadult (1/5) tested positive with low titers of the antibody; no antibodies were observed in adults (n=21). These results suggest that <i>Brucella</i> mainly infected harbor seals from the environment while weaning, and the bacteria were cleared during the early life stage of the seals. In spotted seals, however, antibodies were also detected in adults, suggesting that spotted seals could become infected with <i>Brucella</i> even as adults. It is also possible that a different, more persistent strain of <i>Brucella</i> may have infected the spotted seals.</p>

    DOI: 10.1292/jvms.21-0532


    CiNii Articles

  • ゼニガタアザラシの写真及び個体情報デジタルデータベース:野生哺乳類の長期野外研究を支援する試み


    哺乳類科学   2010.09

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


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Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display

  • 日本の鰭脚類 : 海に生きるアシカとアザラシ = Pinnipeds in Japan

    服部 薫 , 米澤 隆弘 , 甲能 直樹, 内山 幸子 , 三谷 曜子, 小林 万里, 鈴木 一平, 水口 大輔 , 後藤 陽子, 清田 雅史, 羽山 伸一 , 山村 織生

    東京大学出版会  2020  ( ISBN:9784130602396

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    CiNii Books

  • 野生動物保護の事典

    小林 万里、多数( Role: Joint author ,  94-98)

    朝倉書店  2010.02 

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  • 北海道東部・千島列島②-北方四島はアザラシ類の宝庫~そこに忍び寄る危機~

    小林 万里( Role: Sole author)

    rctic Circle 北海道北方民族博物館友の会・季刊誌  2009.09 

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  • The Wild Mammals of Japan

    小林 万里、多数( Role: Joint author ,  272-283)

    SHOKADO  2009 

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  • 世界遺産知床半島の海獣類~アザラシ類の実態~

    小林 万里( Role: Sole author)

    pp75-98.日本の哺乳類 第3巻水生哺乳類(加藤秀弘編者,大泰司紀之・三浦慎悟監修),東京大学出版会  2008.07 

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 野付・風蓮湖におけるゴマフアザラシの季節変動 International conference

    中村 尚稔・小林 万里

    日本哺乳類学会2010年大会  2010.09 

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    Event date: 2010.09

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

     2008年および2009年の5月~10月に、週1回のペースで野付の個体数調査を行った。各年合計19回調査の結果、野付では2008年と2009年を比較すると、ほぼ同様の季節変動の特徴がみられ、夏季に観察個体数が最大になるピークがあり、その後秋口から減少し、再び冬に一過性の観察個体数の増加(聞き取りによる)が見られた。しかし、2008年より2009年の方が全ての特徴が早期に始まっている傾向が伺えた。このように2峰性が見られるのは、夏季の野付における生息個体が春から秋にこの場所を利用し、それらの個体が野付から退去すると、秋口から他の夏の生息地より南下してきた個体が、この野付を一時的に利用するためと考えられた。また、過去(青木 1992)には、近年とは異なり、秋に観察個体数の減少傾向は見られず、9月上旬からさらに個体数の増加が見られていた。
    また、2009年の5月~10月に、週1回のペースで風蓮湖の個体数調査を行った。合計20回の調査の結果、風蓮湖内でアザラシ類の生息を確認出来なかった。そのため、風連湖内で操業している漁業者へアンケート調査を行い、風蓮湖の湖口周辺では、春・秋に数頭のアザラシを目撃するとの情報を得た。過去(青木 1992)には、春先には観察個体の確認は出来ず、初夏頃から秋口までに50頭ほど観察されていた。これらより、昔と比べ風蓮湖内に入って来る個体数は、現在減少していると考えられた。

  • 礼文島に来遊するゴマフアザラシの個体数の季節変動および上陸場間の移動パターン International conference


    日本哺乳類学会2010年大会  2010.09 

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    Event date: 2010.09

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    氷上繁殖型のゴマフアザラシ (Phoca largha) は、流氷が来ない北海道の日本海側には繁殖活動に参加しない亜成獣個体が来遊し、礼文島のトド島のみに約数百頭が来遊していた。しかし、近年、成獣個体が日本海側の上陸場でも確認されるようになり、その分布域は南下・拡大し、来遊頭数も数千頭と加速度的に増加している。さらに、来遊時期の早期化、退去時期の遅延化がみられている。一方、以前から来遊していた礼文島ではゴマフアザラシが周年観察されるようになり、上陸場の数も増えている。さらに、トド島では新生児が確認され、陸上で繁殖している個体の存在が明らかになった (渋谷 2009) 。
    本研究では、日本海側におけるゴマフアザラシの生態変化の先駆的な場所だと考えられる礼文島において、来遊頭数と利用している上陸場の関係と、上陸場間の移動パターンを明らかにすることを目的とした。そのために、礼文島本土に調査地点を4箇所、トド島に1箇所設け、2008年12月から約1年間、定期的に個体数調査を実施し、各上陸場の個体数の季節変動を明らかにした。さらに、学術捕獲調査も実施し、捕獲個体へのタグ・ワッペン装着による近隣の上陸場への移動の有無と、衛星発信機装着による捕獲個体の回遊経路の把握を試みた。その結果、礼文島内の調査地点ごとで個体数の季節変動に差異があることがわかり、礼文島に来遊するゴマフアザラシは季節ごとに移動して上陸場を変えていることが考えられた。一方、学術捕獲調査から、トド島で発信器を装着した個体は、ほぼトド島周辺に滞在し、浜中でタグ・ワッペンを装着した個体はその後、トド島で再捕獲された。また、抜海港で発信器を装着した個体がその後トド島周辺に移動したことが確認された (小林 未発表) 。以上を踏まえ、礼文島への来遊個体には、1. トド島周辺を主に利用する個体、2. トド島周辺と礼文島本土の上陸場を利用する個体、3. トド島と他の日本海側の上陸場を利用する個体の存在が明らかになった。

  • 北海道近海のゴマフアザラシ(Phoca largha)の頭骨および犬歯の成長と形態 International conference


    日本哺乳類学会2010年大会  2010.09 

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    Event date: 2010.09

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ゴマフアザラシとネズミイルカの呼吸器の形態比較 International conference


    日本哺乳類学会2010年大会  2010.09 

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    Event date: 2010.09

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    ゴマフアザラシ(Phoca largha)とネズミイルカ(Phocoena phocoena)は、利用する水深などの生息環境や体の大きさなどが類似しているが、前者は生活の一部にて陸上を利用し、後者は完全に水中にて生活する。これら両者の一部における生息環境の違いや潜水行動の違いにより、呼吸器とその周辺部位においてどのような違いが生じているのかを知ることを最終目的とした。

  • 北海道東部厚岸湾内の小定置網周辺におけるゼニガタアザラシの行動 International conference


    日本哺乳類学会2010年大会  2010.09 

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    Event date: 2010.09

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


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