Title |
Associate Professor |
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MATSUMURA Hiroshi Associate Professor |
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Bio-Industry Department of Business Science and Regional Development Associate Professor
2015.09 - 2018.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Bio-Industry Department of Business, Natural Resource and Economic Development Associate Professor
Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Management Control
Management Accounting
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Analysis of the Materiality of Integrated Reporting in Japan's Five Major General Trading Companies
Hiroshi Matsumura
Journal of Okhotsk Business Science 30 ( 2 ) 23 - 33 2022.03
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
A Study of Microsoft Corporation's Decarbonization Efforts and Results Reviewed
Hiroshi Matsumura
Commercial Science Studies - ( 14 ) 37 - 52 2021.05
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
A Study of Microsoft Corporation’s Decarbonization Efforts and Results
Matsumura Hiroshi
Commercial science studies 2021 ( 14 ) 37 - 52 2021
Language:Japanese Publisher:Japan Commercial Science Academy
In this paper, we focused on Microsoft Corporation, one of the earliest adopters of
internal carbon pricing, to review the company's decarbonization efforts and analyze the
status of its GHG emissions. Since adopting a carbon-neutral policy in FY 2013, the
company has stepped up its efforts to decarbonize and has recently set a goal of becoming
carbon-negative by 2030. As a mechanism to support these efforts, the company has been
using an internal carbon fee model. This has allowed the company to fund company-wide
decarbonization projects while encouraging individual divisions to decarbonize. The
results of these decarbonization efforts were analyzed using the concept of decoupling.
The results showed that the company achieved decoupling by increasing sales while
reducing GHG emissions, while at the same time increasing the operating margin by
reducing cost of sales and operating expenses. The key to the future will be reducing the
company's scope 3 emissions and establishing technology to remove carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere. -
A Study of Internal Carbon Pricing in Microsoft Corporation
Hiroshi Matsumura
Journal of Okhotsk Business Science 29 ( 1 ) 71 - 80 2020.12
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Airfreight data from Memanbetsu airport correlated to fish and scallop catch in okhotsk subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan Reviewed
Hiroshi Matsumura, Tomohisa Ueda, Yoshimasa Sagane
Data in Brief 31 2020.08
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
Case Management Accounting
( Role: Contributor)
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
Research of Anergy on Diversification
Hiroshi Matsumura( Role: Sole author)
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
図解 企業価値入門 (c)
渡辺 康夫、松村 広志( Role: Joint author , 第5章 キャッシュフローによる意思決定(pp.87~100)第6章 投資の評価指標(pp.101~116)第7章 意思決定問題のタイプと選択指標(pp.117~142)第8章 企業価値に基づき業績評価(pp.143~154)【担当総ページ数】68ページ)
東洋経済新報社 2001.03
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
【判型、総ページ数】A5判、156ページ -
キャッシュフロー管理会計 (c)
伊藤 和憲、香取 徹、松村 広志、渡辺 康夫( Role: Joint author , 第1章 経済性評価の重要性と落とし穴(pp.1-12)【担当総ページ数】12ページ)
中央経済社 1999.03
Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
A Study of Water Risk Management in Japanese Beverage Companies' Supply Chains International conference
Hiroshi Matsumura
Event date: 2017.11
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
CSV戦略における業績測定: ポーターらの所説を中心として International conference
松村 広志
日本商学研究学会 第12回全国学術大会 2016.06
Event date: 2016.06
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
企業価値創出に向けたCSR経営の事例研究 International conference
松村 広志
日本商学研究学会 第8回全国学術大会 2012.10
Event date: 2012.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
企業戦略におけるアネルギーの重要性 International conference
松村 広志
日本原価計算研究学会 第34回全国大会 2008.09
Event date: 2008.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
多角化企業におけるアネルギーに関する事例研究 International conference
松村 広志
日本商学研究学会 第4回全国学術大会 2008.06
Event date: 2008.06
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
日本商学研究学会 理事
Committee type:Academic society