論文 - 中丸 康夫
Environmental risks of organic fertilizer with increased heavy metals (Cu and Zn) to aquatic ecosystems adjacent to farmland in the northern biosphere of Japan 査読あり
Yasuo M Nakamaru, Retsushi Matsuda, Takeshi Sonoda
Science of the Total Environment STOTEN_163 2023年04月
担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:Elsevir
CSS with high Zn and Cu, used as fertilizer, poses environmental risks.
Risks from CSS were studied using pot cultivation and field experiments.
Availability of Cu, Zn can be affected by N mineralization and resulting pH decrease.
Risks from Cu, Zn in CSS can be mitigated by high SOM content soil.
Potential risks of heavy metals from agricultural land must be monitored carefully. -
7 有機肥料によるバレイショ栽培の施肥法改良 ~オホーツク地域における3カ年の継続試験による~(北海道支部講演会)
高橋 侑斗, 土田 駿, 中丸 康夫
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集 69 ( 0 ) 215 - 215 2023年09月
記述言語:日本語 出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本土壌肥料学会
Comparison of the effect of organic and chemical fertilizer on crop yield in Mongolian agriculture 査読あり
Javkhlantuya Altansuvd, Lkham Davaa, Gonchig Solongo, Yasuo M Nakamaru, Shinya Kasajima, Hirotake Ito, Hozumi Yoshida
東京農業大学集報 64 ( 2 ) 33 - 40 2019年09月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:東京農業大学
In Mongolia, the rapid increase of extensive cropping areas without fertilization has created a serious need for land conservation technology. This paper describes the field study we conducted in a semi-arid region of Mongolia from 2010 to 2013 in which we used animal composts as a self-support fertilizer for two field experiments.
The role of organic matter in recovered soils affected by residual pollution of potentially harmful elements 査読あり
Manuel Sierra Aragón, Yasuo Mitsui Nakamaru, Minerva García Carmona, Francisco Javier Martínez Garzón, Francisco José Martín Peinado
Chemosphere 237 124549 2019年08月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Effect of soil organic matter on antimony bioavailability after the remediation process 査読あり
Nakamaru, Y, Martín Peinado, F
Environmental Pollution 228 425 - 432 2017年05月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Effects of three years of continuous no P and no K fertilization under manure application on crop yields and soil chemical properties in northern Japan, Hokkaido 査読あり
中丸康夫,小木戸勇介,笹田真里奈, 高田千夏, Janhlantuya Altansuvd, 笠島真也, 伊藤博武, 吉田穂積
東京農業大学集報 59 ( 3 ) 169 - 176 2014年12月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
北海道網走地域では施肥によってほとんどの農耕地土壌に過剰に蓄積した可給態リン、カリウムが認められる。さらに、この地域では3年間に1回、およそ 30 Mg/haの堆肥の施用によって、リンとカリウムが約 450 kg P2O5/ ha、780 kg K2O/ha 程度投入されている。この蓄積したリン およびカリウムを利用し、リンとカリウムの減肥が可能であるかどうか評価するため、圃場試験を行った.結果として、3年間の試験においてリンおよびカリウム無施肥による収量への影響は ほとんど認められなかった。堆肥の施用により、3年間のリン、カリウム無施肥処理においても土壌の可給態リン酸、交 換性カリウム含量の減少は認められなかった。
Speciation and bioavailability of selenium and antimony in non-flooded and wetland soils: A review 査読あり
Yasuo M. Nakamaru, Javkhlantuya Altansuvd
Chemosphere 111 366 - 371 2014年05月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Studies on the sorption behaviors of selenium (Se) and antimony (Sb) are reviewed. Both Se and Sb chem- ical speciation can be controlled by pH and redox potential, and both of them are likely to be sorbed onto oxy-hydroxides of aluminum, iron or manganese in soils.
Effect of long-term phosphorus fertilization on soil Se and transfer of soil Se to crops in northern Japan 査読あり
Javkhlantuya Altansuvd, Yasuo M. Nakamaru, Shinya Kasajima, Hirotake Ito, Hozumi Yoshida
Chemosphere 107 7 - 12 2014年04月
担当区分:責任著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Phosphorus (P) fertilizer can potentially serve as a source for Se accumulation in croplands. Furthermore, it has been reported that the addition of P fertilizer to soil may enhance Se availability. Japanese agricul- tural soils are typically enriched in P as a result of long-term, excessive P fertilization.
淡色黒ボク土壌におけるリン酸・カリウム無施肥がバレイショの生育と収量及びジヤガイモそうか病に与える影響 査読あり
菊池 健太郎, 小林 輝和, 田中 拡, 池田 拓真, 中丸 康夫, 伊藤 博武, 笠島 真也, 吉田 穂積
日本作物学会記事 81 ( 4 ) 404 - 413 2012年04月
記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
土壌中の有効態リン酸と交換性カリウムの含有量が北海道の畑地土壌診断基準値以上である淡色黒ボク土壌において,リン酸とカリウム肥料をともに無施用とした場合のバレイショ生育と収量およびジャガイモそうか病発病に与える影響について2007年から3カ年にわたり現地生産圃場を用いて検討を行った.その結果,圃場の土壌水分状態に関わらずリン酸・カリウム無施肥区の有効態リン酸と交換性カリウムの含有量は,リン酸・カリウム施肥区に比べて低く推移したが,年間減少量はそれぞれ –6 mg kg-1,88 mg kg-1であり,土壌診断基準値を大幅に低下することはなかった.
セレンおよびアンチモンの土壌中における収着挙動と植物への可給性についての研究 査読あり
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 81 ( 5 ) 463 - 464 2010年10月
記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Effect of aluminum or iron-(hydr)oxides on the sorption behavior of selenium and antimony in Japanese soils
中丸 康夫
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, (2010) 2010年07月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
東京農業大学生物産業学部網走寒冷地農場研究年報「トウフツ」.11, 22-30. 2009年03月
担当区分:責任著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要)
東京農業大学生物産業学部網走寒冷地農場研究年報「トウフツ」.11,15-21 2009年03月
担当区分:責任著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要)
斉藤鷹一 小林宏之 加藤木俊介 栗原祐一 佐藤和実 田渕博之 二谷慎亮 小松輝行 中丸 康夫
東京農業大学農学集報,53,200-208 (2008) 2008年12月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要)
北海道網走地域では、ほぼ全域に火山放出物である屈斜路火砕流堆積物が分布している。同地域において、大規模畑作圃場の多くが、基盤整備事業において均平化のための地形修正を受けた結果、作土下にこの火砕流堆積物からなる下層土を持つことが知られている。この火砕流層は、作物根の下層土への発達を阻害するため生産性を向上する上で問題となっている。しかし一方で、火山放出物の多くはリン鉱物であるアパタイトを含むことから、この火砕流層は潜在的なリン資源としても期待できる。そこで、網走市東部の地形修正を受けた圃場、および同地域内の自然林下から採取された火砕流堆積物について、リン酸の化学形態を調査し、リン資源としての評価を行なった。同時に、圃場においてこの火砕流層と作土とを全層混合することにより、リン酸肥沃度を向上しうるかについて、テンサイ栽培試験により検討した。その結果、網走地域の火砕流堆積物中にはアパタイト形態のリン酸が400-1000 mg P2O5 kg-1程度含まれ、このうち70-170 mg P2O5 kg-1程度が可給態リン酸として評価された。このリン酸量は北海道のリン酸肥沃度改良目標値に匹敵する。この火砕流層を作土と全層混合することにより、テンサイのリン酸吸収量は50%増加し、糖収量も30%増加したことから、網走地域の火砕流堆積物は農業上有用なリン資源として活用できると考えられる。
斉藤鷹一, 加藤木俊介, 栗原祐一, 佐藤和実, 田渕博之, 二谷慎亮, 小松輝行,中丸 康夫
東京農業大学生物産業学部網走寒冷地農場研究年報「トウフツ」.10, 12-23. 2008年11月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要)
斉藤鷹一 小林宏之 木村あゆみ 小松輝行 中丸 康夫
日本土壌肥料学雑誌,80,41-44(2008) 2008年09月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
北海道網走地域において、基盤整備事業として地形修正を行なった圃場について、下層土としての火砕流堆積物の存在が、従来生産力低下の要因と目されてきた。本研究において、この火砕下層土の出現深度とテンサイの根系分布および収量との間に実際に対応があることが確認された。そこで,市内音根内地域の農地約320 haを対象に、この火砕流堆積物下層土の分布および出現深度を一筆圃場ごとに定量的に示した土壌図(下層土マップ)を作成した。これにより地域内の圃場における下層土の性状の偏りが明らかとなった。この下層土マップは、基盤整備後の大区画圃場において、農家が局所的な施肥管理や土壌改良を行なう上で非常に有用な資料になると考えられる。
Sorption behavior of selenium and antimony in soils as a function of phosphate ion concentration
Kenji Sekine、中丸 康夫
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 55, 332-341 (2008) 2007年12月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Both selenium (Se) and antimony (Sb) are major soil and water pollutants. Their sorption behavior in a soil-plant system was studied. The experimental results suggested that a high content of available phosphate and/or low phosphate sorption capacity of soil increased both Se and Sb availabilities to the plant. 環境汚染物質であるセレンとアンチモンの土壌への収着挙動を調べた結果、これらの収着はともに土壌のリガンド交換反応に影響され、リン酸濃度の影響を受けることがわかった。
Distribution coefficients of tin in Japanese agricultural soils and the factors affecting tin sorption behavior
SHigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99,1003-1010 (2008) 2007年11月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Sorption behavior of tin (Sn) in Japanese agricultural soils was studied. The results showed that most of the soil-sorbed Sn was as organic matter-bound or Al/Fe-(hydr)oxide-bound forms.
日本の農耕地土壌におけるスズの収着挙動を調べた結果、土壌に収着されたスズのほとんどは、土壌有機物結合体あるいはAl/Fe酸化(水酸化物)結合体であった。 -
Sorption behavior of selenium on humic acid under increasing selenium concentration or increasing solid/liquid ratio
Nao Ishikawa, Keiko Tagami, Shigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99, 993-1002 (2008) 2007年11月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
The sorption of selenium (Se) on humic acid (HA) was investigated in order to better understand the fate of stable and radioactive Se in soils and sediments. An ultrafiltration technique was used to determine size distributions of HA-sorbed-Se when increasing Se concentration and solid/liquid ratio. The results showed that the Se sorption onto HA followed the Freundlich isotherm. No solid/liquid ratio-dependence was observed especially when <3 kDa molecular size fraction was used from solid/liquid separation. The Freundlich isotherm parameters KF and n obtained using the <3 kDa molecular size fraction for solid/liquid separation were 3.7 × 102 and 0.82, respectively. In addition, since dissolved HA increased with decreased ionic strength in the HA suspension, ionic strength could promote aggregation of HA. The conformational change of HA could affect the sorption behavior of Se on HA.
オホーツク網走地域における火砕流の分布に着目した農業生産力評価 I 第24営農集団における全圃場「下層土マップ」の作成
斉藤鷹一 小林宏之 小松輝行、中丸 康夫
東京農業大学生物産業学部網走寒冷地農場研究年報「トウフツ」.9, 14-22 (2007) 2007年08月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要)
Role of soil organic matter in the mobility of radiocesium in agricultural soils common in Japan
Nao Ishikawa, Keiko Tagami, Shugeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,306, 111-117 (2007) 2007年01月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Cesium-137 is an important radionuclide. In order to evaluate the radiation dose from 137Cs, it is important to know its mobility in different soils. Soil organic matter (SOM) might affect the 137Cs mobility because SOM is a reactive colloid. Therefore, tracer studies were carried out to clarify the effect of SOM on Cs mobility in different soils. The experimental results suggested that SOM could increase the mobility of 137Cs in soils by binding it in exchangeable and DOM-bound forms.
土壌中におけるCs-137の収着挙動を調べた結果,土壌有機物はCs-137の収着を妨げることがわかった。 -
Distribution coefficients of tin (Sn) in Japanese agricultural soils
Shigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Proceedings of 18th World Congress of Soil Science 2006年07月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
Sorption behavior of tin (Sn) in Japanese agricultural soils was studied. Soil-soil solution distribution coefficient (Kd) of Sn (Kd-Sn) for 142 soil samples were ranged between 128-1590000 (L/kg) with the geometric mean of 12400 (L/kg).. The pH effect on Sn mobility in soil-solution system was also investigated. The Kd-Sn values for the soils The Kd values for Andosols tended to be higher than those of the other soil groups. The Kd measurements under different pH levels showed that the Kd-Sn increased with decreasing pH. This suggested that the low pH condition enhanced the sorption reaction of Sn in soils. The soil-sorbed Sn fractions in each type of soil colloid were also evaluated with selective extraction methods. The results showed that most of the soil-sorbed Sn was as organic matter-bound and Al/Fe-(hydr)oxide-bound forms.
中丸 康夫
Radioisotopes,55, 125-133 (2006) 2006年03月
記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
の高い小スケール栽培により、根圏土壌におけるCs、Srの可給性について検討した結果、根圏において局所的にCs の分配係数(Kd)が増加することが示された。これらの結果から、長期的な栽培においては、栽培にともなう根圏のK濃度減少にともない、根圏においてCsの固定が促進され、生育後半にはCsの可給性が減少したものと考えられる。こうした根圏における可給性の低下はSrについては認められなかった。 -
Effect of nutrient uptake by plant roots on the fate of REEs in soil
Tagami, K., and Uchida, S.、中丸 康夫
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 408-412, 413-416 (2006) 2006年02月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs) and major ions in soil solutions were observed under different growth stages of soybean in order to evaluate the effect of nutrient uptake by plant roots on the mobility of REEs in soil-plant systems. Soybean plants were grown in pots, which were kept in a greenhouse for 84 d. The concentrations of major nutrient cations (K and Ca) in the soil solution decreased with the soybean growth. On the other hand, the concentrations of Al, Y, La, Ce, Nd, Gd, Dy, Er and Yb increased. Although no decrease of pH was observed, it was assumed that the REEs and Al were dissolved from the soil solid phase due to H+ release from the plant roots for K+ and Ca2+ uptake. Subsequently, the bioaccumulation of REEs in the soybean roots was observed in the maturing stage of the soybean. These results showed that the soybean roots could enhance the dissolution of REEs from the soil solid phase and they also could accumulate REEs through plant growth.
Effect of phosphate addition on the sorption-desorption reaction on the selenium in Japanese agricultural soils
Tagami, K., and Uchida, S.、中丸 康夫
Chemosphere, 63, 109-115 (2006) 2006年01月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Desorption levels of soil-sorbed selenium (Se) were studied by adding phosphate to 22 typical Japanese agricultural soils. Soil-soil solution distribution coefficients of Se (Kd-Se) were measured using a batch process as an index of Se sorption level, adding 75Se as a tracer. After the Kd measurement, extraction of soil-sorbed 75Se with a 0.1 M or 1 M Na2HPO4 solution followed to determine the amount of 75Se desorbed by the phosphate. When the 0.1 M Na2HPO4 solution was used, 18-70% of soil-sorbed Se was extracted (average: 47%). However, when the 1 M Na2HPO4 solution was used, 27-83% of soil-sorbed Se was extracted (average: 57%). The observed 75Se desorption percentage indicated the maximum Se removability by phosphate addition. The desorption percentage of Se with 1 M Na2HPO4 correlated with Kd-Se values, suggesting that the soil sample with higher Kd-Se contained more reactive components for phosphate-sorption than the soil sample with lower Kd-Se. To evaluate the effect of phosphate concentration on the Se sorption, the Kd-Se was measured for two typical soils under different levels of phosphate (0.1-10 mM PO4). The Kd values were decreased by phosphate addition for both soils. The Kd decrease was observed even for just 1 mM PO4. The phosphate addition with 1 mM PO4 is the same level as in P fertilizer applied to paddy fields in Japan. Therefore, it was suggested that Se desorption should occur in Japanese soils due to the phosphate input.
Sorption behavior of antimony in Japanese agricultural soil
Keiko Tagami, Shigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
8th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements 2005年11月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
Antimony (Sb) is a natural occurring trace element in most soils, and is likely to be a pollutant in industrial environment. Important sources of Sb pollutions are emissions of smelters and vehicle emissions. Ainsworth and Cooke (1990) reported that Sb tended to concentrate in surface soils near a smelter. Toxicity of Sb to plants can be affected by its bioavailability in soil (Wolfram et al., 2000). However, there are not many reports on the sorption behaviour of Sb in soils. Soil-soil solution distribution coefficients (Kds) are often used to predict the mobility of an element in soil, which is defined as “concentration of an element in or on the soil solid phase” divided by “concentration of the element in the soil solution.” In this study, the Kd-Sb values were obtained for 110 Japanese agricultural soils by the batch technique using 124Sb as a tracer. In addition, the sorbed 124Sb was extracted from soils with NH4NO3 in order to evaluate its mobile and/or bioavailable fractions.
Antimony mobility in Japanese agricultural soils and the factors affecting antimony sorption behavior.
Tagami, K., and Uchida, S.、中丸 康夫
Environmental Pollution,141,321-326 (2005) 2005年08月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Mobility of antimony (Sb) in Japanese agricultural soils was studied by radiotracer experiments using 124Sb tracer. The soil- solution distribution coefficients (Kds) of Sb were measured for 110 soil samples. These Kds ranged from 1 to 2 065 L kg-1; the geometric mean was 62 L kg-1 excluding one extremely high value, 2 065 L kg-1. Experimental measurement of Kds showed a decrease with both increasing pH and increasing phosphate concentration. The latter suggested that one aspect of the Sb sorption phenomena in Japanese soil was influenced by specific adsorption ofanions such as phosphate. However, other aspects could not be explained by this specific adsorption mechanism, because only 20-40% of soil-sorbed Sb could be extracted by phosphate solution.
Depletion of selenium in soil solution due to its enhanced sorption in the rhizosphere of soybean
Tagami, K., and Uchida, S.、中丸 康夫
Plant and Soil,278, 293-301 (2005) 2005年06月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
The effect of plant roots on selenium (Se) mobility in soil was studied by a large-scale pot experiment in order to understand the environmental behavior of Se in agricultural soils under plant growth conditions. Soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) were grown in a greenhouse for 84 d. The concentrations of Se and major elements (K, Ca, Mg, Na, and Al) in the soil solutions and in the plants were measured at different growth periods. Concentrations of Se and major cations in soil solution decreased as the soybean plants grew, while the concentrations of Al increased. It was assumed that the soybean roots released H+ with the uptake of cations; consequently, due to the acidification of the rhizosphere, Al3+ was released starting from the soil solid phase. The decreased Se concentration in the soil solution should be due to the enhancement of Se sorption onto the soil solid phase.
The increase of Se sorption level in the rhizosphere was examined in a small-scale pot experiment. The soil-soil solution distribution coefficient of Se (Kd-Se) was observed as an index of Se sorption level. Kd-Se clearly increased in the rhizosphere soil after cultivation. The effects of pH and Al3+ in the rhizosphere on Se sorption were assessed by Kd-Se measurements at different levels of HCl and AlCl3. In this third experiment, a decrease in pH increased Kd-Se values, but no specific effect was observed on Se sorption due to increased Al3+.
These results show that the Se mobility in agricultural soil could be decreased by plant roots under plant growth conditions due to enhanced Se sorption in the rhizosphere. -
Distribution coefficient of selenium in Japanese agricultural soils
Tagami, K., and Uchida, S、中丸 康夫
Chemosphere,58, 1347-1354 (2005) 2005年05月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
In order to evaluate the selenium (Se) sorption level in Japanese soils, soil/soil solution distribution coefficients (Kds) were obtained for 58 agricultural soil samples (seven soil classification groups) using 75Se as a tracer. Although several chemical forms of Se are present in agricultural fields, selenite was used, because it is the major inorganic Se form in acid soils such as found in Japan. The Kd values obtained covered a wide range, from 12 to 1060 L kg-1, and their arithmetic mean was 315 L kg-1. Among the soil groups, Andosols had higher Kd values. The Kd values for all samples were highly correlated with soil active-aluminum (Al) and active-iron (Fe) contents. Thus, active-Al and active-Fe were considered to be the major adsorbents of Se. Then, a new sequential extraction procedure was applied to 12 soil samples in order to quantify the effect of soil components on Se adsorption. The sequential extraction results showed that 80-100% of the adsorbed Se was recovered as Al-bound Se and Fe-bound Se. The amount of Al-bound Se was the highest in the soils that showed high Kd values, though the relative contribution of Fe-bound Se tended to increase with decreasing Kd values. The high values of Kd seemed to be caused mainly by the adsorption of Se onto active-Al in Japanese soils.
日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 76, 15-20 (2005) 2005年02月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Pot cultivation experiment of soybean was carried out using volcanic ah soil (Andosol) in order to evaluate the effect of plant growth stage on the changes in chemical properties of the rhizosphere. Soybean was sown into 12 pots and three pots were left unplanted. Soybean plants were grown in greenhouse for 84 days. To evaluate the mass flow of element, transpiration was calculated by the weight of the planted pots and the unplanted pots. Plant and soil solutions were sampled at each growth stage. The concentrations of K, Ca, Mg,, Na and Al in the plants and the soil solutions were monitored. The uptakes of all elements were exceeded in the podding stage of soybean. The concentrations of Al were increased with soybean growth while the concentrations of Ca and K were decreased. The concentrations of Ca and K were correlated negatively with the concentrations of Al. The exchangeable Al content in the soil was increased after the cultivation. These results suggest that the soil Al solubility was increased by plant growth because the soybean roots released proton with the uptake of nutrient cation. In order to verify the relationship between the concentrations of elements in the soil solution and their uptake by the plant, the ratio of an actual uptake and mass flow was calculated. The ratio of an actual uptake and mass flow for Al was 1.1-1.4 in the vegetative growth stage, and increased to 2.1-7.3 at the podding stage. This suggest that the mass flow of Al was excess of what is absorbed by the plants, leaded the accumulation near the root surface. It can be considered that the accumulation of Al in the rhizosphere was higher in the podding stage than in the vegetative growth stage by increased uptake of nutrient cations.
Effect of phosphate addition on the desorption of Se from soil
Keiko Tagami, Shigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Proceedings of Waste Management Symposium 2005年02月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
Desorption levels of soil-sorbed Se by adding phosphate (P) ion were studied for 10 typical Japanese agricultural soils. Soil-solution distribution coefficients of Se (Kd-Se) were measured using the batch technique as an index of Se sorption level in the batch process, Se-75 was added to the soils as a tracer. After the Kd measurement, added Se-75 was extracted by a 0.1 M or 1 M Na2HPO4 solution to determine the amount of Se-75 desorbed by the P. When the 0.1 M Na2HPO4 solution was used, 18-57% of sorbed-Se was extracted into the solution (average: 41%). The percentage of Se extracted with the 1 M Na2HPO4 solution was 1.1-1.5 times higher than the percentage extracted with 0.1 M Na2HPO4 for which 27-71% of sorbed-Se was extracted (average: 50%). The observed desorption rates of Se indicated the existence of an upper limit to the Se desorption by P addition. The desorption percentage of Se increased with increasing Kd values, suggesting that the soil with higher Kd-Se contains more reactive components for phosphate-sorption than the soil with lower Kd-Se. To evaluate the effect of phosphate concentration on the Se sorption, the Kd-Se was measured for two typical soils under different levels of P (0.1-20 mM PO4). The Kd value decreased by P addition for both soils. The Kd decrease was observed even for just 0.1 mM P. The P addition with 0.1 mM P corresponded to 0.3 g P per kg dry soil, which is the same level as in phosphate fertilizer applied to paddy fields in Japan. Therefore, it was suggested that Se desorption should occur in Japanese soils due to the phosphate input.
DOI: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653505009525
内田滋夫・荻生 延子・高橋 知之・寺門 正人・富田賢一・池田 浩・黒澤 直弘・中丸 康夫
日本土壌肥料学雑誌,76,421-426 (2005) 2005年01月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
In order to evaluate the environmental behavior of contaminants such as radionuclides, we collected soil samples throughout Japan and measured their characteristics. The characteristics include CEC, soil pH, exchangeable Ca and K, concentrations of major elements (e.g., Al, Fe, Mg and Mn) and trace elements (e.g., Cs, Se, Co, Th and U). The soil-soil solution distribution coefficients (Kds) of some radionuclides were also determined in our institute.
Using these data sets, a mapping system to show distributions of elements, radionuclides and related data (e.g., CEC, pH and Kd) in soil was developed, which is called as “MdsoiL”. MdsoiL is a set of databases of soil characteristics data and a mapping system to make contour maps of the data using inverse distance weighting to visualize the geographic distribution of the data. For example, the contour map of Kd values for Se (Kd-Se) is made without obtaining Kd-Se data for all Japanese soils to evaluate the mobility of Se in Japanese soils. The Kd value is defined as “concentration of an element in or on the soil solid phase” divided by “concentration of the element in the soil solution”. The contour map showed that the Kd-Se was higher in Kyushu, Kanto and Tohoku districts than those in Tyugoku, Shikoku and Kansai districts. This trend corresponded with the geographic distribution of volcanic ash soil. It is known that the Se sorption level is relatively higher in volcanic ash soils than other soil groups in Japan, because volcanic ash soils contain large amounts of active Al. Subsequently, the Se mobility differences among districts were clearly observed due to the geographic distribution of soil types. Thus, MdsoiL is a useful tool to evaluate environmental behaviors of contaminants. -
Effect of plant growth on selenium leaching in volcanic ash soil Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on “Plant-soil interaction at low pH
Keiko Tagami, Shigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on “Plant-soil interaction at low pH 2004年08月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
Selenium (Se) is an important trace element in agro-ecosystems, however, the behavior in acidic soil such as volcanic ash soil is not clear. Concentrations of Se in soil solutions of volcanic ash soils (Alic Melanudand) in pot experiments were observed in order to evaluate the mobility of Se. The pot experiment was carried out with and without soybean plants in a greenhouse for 84 days. Soil solutions were collected through plastic-porous tubes or by a centrifugation method. For the evaluation of leaching, zero-retention drainage water was also collected from the bottom of the plant pots. The plants were collected at 24, 32, 61 and 84 d intervals after sowing. The concentrations of Se, Fe, Al in these samples were measured by ICP-MS and ICP-AES.
The concentrations of Al and Fe in the soil solutions of the pots with the plants were higher than those of the control (no plants), but the concentrations of Se in the soil solutions and the drainage water showed the opposite trend. The concentrations of Se in the soil solutions were negatively correlated with the concentrations of Al. The results suggest that the increased Al activity induced by the growth of soybean roots decreased the Se leaching from the soil. -
Selectivity for Sr, Cs and other alkaline and alkaline earth metals by plant roots under different growth stages
Keiko Tagami, Shigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Proceedings of 11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association 2004年05月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
A greenhouse experiment using stable elements was carried out to understand the soil-plant transfer of Sr-90 and Cs-137 at different growth stages of soybean. The concentrations of alkaline metals (Na, K, Rb, Cs) and alkaline earth metals (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) in plants and in soil solutions sampled at different growth periods were measured by ICP-MS and ICP-AES. The selectivity coefficient (SC), which is the ratio of actual element uptake by roots and mass flow of the element from soil solution, was calculated from measured values. The SC values of alkaline and alkaline earth metals were obtained for the vegetative growth stage (0-32 d) and podding stage (32-61d) of soybean. The concentrations of each alkaline and alkaline earth metal in the soil solution decreased with the soybean growth. The SC values of alkaline earth metals increased with the soybean growth; for example, the value for Sr at the vegetative growth stage was 1.26, and it increased to 2.06 at the podding stage. The results indicated that the soybean growth enhanced the uptake rate of Sr and the other alkaline earth metals. On the other hand, the SC values of alkaline metals decreased; e.g. the value of 0.73 for Cs in the vegetative growth stage dropped to 0.24 in the podding stage. This suggested that the decrease of K in the soil solution due to its uptake by the soybean plants increased the amount of Cs sorbed onto soil; consequently, the soil-plant transfer of Cs was inhibited by the soybean growth.
Using a sequential extraction procedure for selective determination of soil-adsorbed Se
Keiko Tagami, Shigeo Uchida、中丸 康夫
Proceedings of Waste Management Symposium 2004年02月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
To understand Se adsorption behavior in acid soils, soil/soil solution distribution coefficient (Kd) was obtained for 58 Japanese agricultural soil samples using Se-75 as a tracer. It was found that the Kd-Se values, ranged from 12 to 1060 (arithmetic mean =315), were highly correlated to the soil active-aluminum (Al) and active-iron (Fe) contents. Those two components were considered to be the major adsorbents of Se in Japanese soils. The mechanism of Se adsorption by the active-Al and active-Fe is regarded to be ligandexchange, which is the same adsorption mechanism for phosphorus (P). Therefore, using a modified sequential extraction procedure proposed for soil adsorbed P, the adsorbed Se-75 was extracted from 12 selected soil samples. In this procedure, we employed 1 mol L-1 NH4Cl, 4 mol L-1 NH4F and 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH for extracting loosely bound Se, active-Al bound Se and active-Fe bound Se, respectively. The results showed that 80-100% of the adsorbed Se was recovered as active-Al and active-Fe bound forms. The loosely bound Se was less than 2% of the total amount of Se sorbed on each soil. The active-Al bound Se was the dominant form in the soils that had higher Kd values, while the active-Fe bound Se was the dominant form in the soils that had lower Kd values. Therefore, we considered that the higher values of Kd-Se were mainly caused by the sorption on active-Al.
DOI: cholar.google.co.jp/scholar?q=Using+a+sequential+extraction+procedure+for+selective+determination+of
ピナツボ火山灰(1991)における黒雲母,リン灰石のバイオジオケミストリー : 火山放出物被災地における農業・植生回復の基礎 査読あり
東北大学大学院農学研究科博士論文 甲第7489号 2000年03月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:学位論文(博士)
Utilization of apatite in fresh volcanic ash by pigeon pea and chickpea
Nanzyo, M., and Yamasaki, S.、中丸 康夫
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 46, 591-600 (2000) 2000年03月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
南條正巳・山崎慎一・中丸 康夫
日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 71, 55-62 (2000) 1999年07月
担当区分:筆頭著者 記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Inhibition of apatite dissolution due to formation of calcium oxalate coating
Nanzyo, M., Yamasaki, S.、中丸 康夫
Phosphorus Research Bulletin, 9, 17-22 (1999) 1999年04月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
Effect of reducing conditions on the weathering of Fe3+-rich Biotite in the New Lahar Deposit from Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines
Nanzyo, M., Yamasaki, S., and Samonte、中丸 康夫
Soil Science, 164, No.3, 206-214 (1999) 1999年03月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
新鮮火山灰において水稲を栽培することにより、火山灰中のバイオタイトの風化が植物により促進され、植物へのカリウム供給に寄与することが示された (実験を担当)。
リン酸Ca, Mg塩生成の影響を受けないリン酸保持容量の測定法ならびにそのリン酸保持容量と活性Al, Feの形態・含量との関係
南條正巳・伊藤豊彰・山崎慎一:中丸 康夫
日本土壌肥料学雑誌,69,144-149 (1998) 1998年04月
記述言語:日本語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
交換性Ca, Mgに起因するリン酸Ca, Mgの沈殿生成の影響を受けないリン酸保持容量の測定法を開発した(実験を担当)。