Title |
Professor |
External Link |
HIRANO Takashi Professor |
Employment Record in Research 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Assistant Professor
2012.04 - 2014.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Associate Professor
2014.04 - 2018.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Professor
2018.04 - 2018.03
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Shirakawa Institute of Animal Genetics Chief Researcher
2009.04 - 2012.03
Shirakawa Institute of Animal Genetics Researcher
1993.04 - 2009.03
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Association analysis between STAR6 gene polymorphisms and carcass traits in Japanese black cattle. Reviewed
Mako Sato, Hiromi Hara, Kei Hanzawa, Takashi Hirano
The Journal of Animal Genetics 48 ( 2 ) 7 - 12 2020
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
黒毛和種におけるSCD 多型と枝肉形質の関連解析 Reviewed
平野 貴、原ひろみ、半澤 惠
動物遺伝育種研究 46 ( 1 ) 11 - 16 2018
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Characterization of the cathelicidin cluster in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) Reviewed
Ishige T, Hara H, Hirano T, Kono T, Hanzawa K
Animal Science Journal 88 ( 9 ) 1249 - 1257 2017
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Mapping of Calf Death in Japanese Black Cattle Reviewed
Hirano T, Nishimura S, Hara H, Sugimoto Y, Hanzawa K
Animal Biotechnology 28 ( 4 ) 242 - 247 2017
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
IARS mutation causes prenatal death in Japanese black cattle Reviewed
Hirano T, Matsuhashi T, Takeda K, Hara H, Kobayashi N, Kita K, Sugimoto Y, Hanzawa K
Animal Science Journal 87 ( 9 ) 1178 - 1181 2016
Authorship:Lead author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display 】
平野 貴 他( Role: Joint author , P197、P237、P296、P360)
朝倉書店 2001.03
Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia
平野 貴 他( Role: Joint author , PP.151-157)
シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京㈱ 2000.03
Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book
Industrial Property Rights 【 display / non-display 】
平野 貴、杉本喜憲、小林直彦、松橋珠子
Patent/Registration no:特許第5736562号 Date registered:2015 Date issued:2015
Country of applicant:Domestic Country of acquisition:Domestic
国枝哲夫、平野 貴
Patent/Registration no:特許第5127004号 Date registered:2012 Date issued:2012
Country of applicant:Domestic Country of acquisition:Domestic
平野 貴、印牧美佐生、平井朋和、菊池 工
Patent/Registration no:特許第3948702号 Date registered:2007 Date issued:2007
Country of applicant:Domestic Country of acquisition:Domestic
平野 貴、小林直彦、杉本喜憲
Patent/Registration no:特許第3192128号 Date registered:2001 Date issued:2001
Country of applicant:Domestic Country of acquisition:Domestic
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results 【 display / non-display 】
2017 - 2019
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
平野 貴
Other External Funds 【 display / non-display 】
早産を伴う子牛死亡に関連する遺伝的要因の解明 (Ⅱ)
2022.04 - 2023.03
平野 貴
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2021.04 - 2022.03
平野 貴
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2016.04 - 2017.03
平野 貴
Grant type:Competitive
2015.04 - 2016.03
平野 貴
Grant type:Competitive
2014.04 - 2015.03
平野 貴
Grant type:Competitive
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Mapping of calf death in Japanese Black cattle International conference
Hirano T, Nishimura S, Hara H, Sugimoto Y, Hanzawa K
36th International Conference on Animal Genetics 2017.07
Event date: 2017.07
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Mapping and exome sequencing of a weak calf syndrome with premature birth International conference
Hirano T, Okazaki A, Sasaki S, Suzuki Y, Hara H, Sugimoto Y, Hanazawa K
35th International Conference on Animal Genetics 2016.07
Event date: 2016.07
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
IARS mutation causes prenatal death in Japanese black cattle International conference
Hirano T, Mastuhashi T, Takeda K, Hara H, Kobayashi N, Kita K, Sugimoto Y, Hanzawa K
34th International Conference on Animal Genetics 2014.07
Event date: 2014.07 - 2017.08
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)